Extreme obesity

Extreme fatness for one day?

I already experience it every day. But for the sake of the premise, if I could put on another 2 or 300lbs just for one day...I think I definitely would.
12 years

Extreme fatness for one day?

I'd like to try 800# or more for a day
12 years

Extreme fatness for one day?

for me 500lbs for a day would be good.
12 years

Extreme fatness for one day?

As for my 24 hours of +300lbs, I'd try on my clothes that barely fit now. I'd take a walk, maybe grab a bite to eat.

I'd want to see how well, or poorly, I fit in my car at 870lbs. Other than that, I'd probably do what I normally do, which is sit around and watch tv or get on FF

*I'd also take lots of pictures and save lots of videos lol*
12 years

Extreme fatness for one day?

I would be two thousand pounds because i always wanted to see what it would look like to weigh a ton.
12 years

Extreme fatness for one day?

This may be my new favourite thread on FF, the thought of temporary EXTREME obesity is one of my greatest fantasies. ^_^
12 years

Extreme fatness for one day?

This has always been one of my fave fantasies. The story The Decadent Underground is pretty exactly much how I'd like it to go (www.dimensionsmagazine.com/forums/showthread.php) - being able to experience it with others who are also going through the same thing and enjoying it, that'd be great.

But there's so many other possibilities. I'd gladly spend a day as a 8000lb blob if there was someone (preferably female) there to look after me. Maybe tease me about how I've let myself go and casually mention that maybe it won't wear off after 24 hours...

One that'd be really fun would be to go somewhere public at my present size (6'2", 270 pounds, so flabby rather than fat) then ducking out of sight for a few moments and putting on an extra 500 or so pounds before heading back out again and seeing if anyone notices. Kinda like Clark Kent jumping into a phone booth to turn into Superman, except it'd be me changing into a huger me.

Maybe a good place to try that would be a clothing store for really huge guys, and taking the biggest clothes they have into a changing room to try on. Then, once the curtain was drawn, taking the magic pill and starting to get fatter, bursting out of my old clothes rather than taking them off.

The noise might attract a sales assistant, the same one who gave me an odd look earlier when I grabbed those XXXXL pants. "Are you alright in there, sir?"

"Yeah, fine!" I call back. Rrrip. Burst. Tear. Bulge. "Just a bit of a tight fit, y'know?"

Then I'd change into the new clothes, which would only just fit, and (after about ten minutes struggling) manage to squeeze myself out of the changing room to go pay for them. The looks of disbelief and confusion from people - some wondering how they could possibly have missed seeing the man-shaped whale come in the store, and the sales assistant who is too stunned by my change to do anything other than take my money - would be priceless.

And then it'd be lunches time.
12 years

Extreme fatness for one day?

I absolutely love for my weight to increase throughtout the whole day. To watch my gut grow and spread would be amazing. Also the feeling of getting heavier and heavier would be deeply erotic. I want to experience full immobility and beyond like sinking into a cocoon of fat to the point where I can't even lift a finger. Mmmmm, heaven! smiley
12 years

Extreme fatness for one day?

Yes, I like this idea of fattening up throughout the day. So I'll stick with my original statement of 300 extra pounds. But have that gradually pile on, and perhaps even go beyond that.

Like maybe end the day at well over 1000lbs.
12 years

Extreme fatness for one day?

Question for those who answered between 350-800; if, somehow, something went wrong and you ended up with your weight in quadruple figures..would you be terribly upset? Because it's easily done, a mistake like that...
12 years
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