
Help with stuffing to gain.pls

Try a Cake Shake with 9500 plus calories and take hours to drink if necessary
Half Gallon Ice Cream
Half Gallon Skim milk for thinning
One Quart Heavy Whipping Cream
One Can of Sweetened Condensed Milk
One box of Cake Mix or Brownies Mix
8 ounces Hershey Syrup

Get as many ingredients as possible at a Dollar Store like the cake mix and the syrup .This recipe is costly but at least one person tried it to the letter and also stuffed food earlier in the day. Her gainswere astonishing
10 years

Help with stuffing to gain.pls

well as i said once its the best way if you want strech marks have to keep your belly full and very stuffed in order to increase the presure from inside of your tummy so it has a great effect.
do not push yourself very fast in one setting step by step increase your appetite inorder to avoid vommiting dear friend.step by step try to eat more and more and increase your portion.
be sure that you eat very well of rich foods like ribs bread starchy foods beer coca chocolate and candies spagetty and popcorn too.keep your measures and any change on your body size as its very use ful.
also use a great acompany with a freind to help you eat and suport you by a great belly rub for more details inform me i will give you more in details.
10 years