
Currently listening to

Stereophonics - Dakota

big love for this song after hearing it again on Him & Her ^_^
9 years

Currently listening to

Kensington... Streets

9 years

Currently listening to

sublimesoul wrote:
I bloody love catch 22!

Silver rider - you ever listened to in JB conspiracy?


Nah I haven't but I'll give them a listen :-)

Just listening to some Wavves - Idiot
9 years

Currently listening to

FIDLAR - No Waves
9 years

Currently listening to

Sophie - Lemonade

judge me

Also, Ariana Grande - Break Free....i can't
9 years

Currently listening to

Attempting to like the new Tom Vek album
9 years

Currently listening to

sublimesoul wrote:
@ silver rider - did you give them a listen?
You listen to much old school ska like op ivy or sublime? smiley

nah I haven't had the chance yet, but course I do. sublime are like one of my favourite bands ever.

currently listening to Keaton Henson - Small Hands
got me through a lot of sh*tty times this year, plus it's the only one I ever seem to play when I pick up a guitar. beauts
9 years

Currently listening to

The entire album:
"Our live album is better than yours" by Reel Big Fish.

They get my writing juices flowing!
9 years

Currently listening to

Still Born - Eagulls
9 years

Currently listening to


Digital Underground - "The Humpty Dance"

Don't judge me when I say it's one of the best songs ever. O.o
9 years