
Feeder/fa's dream job?

What would your dream job be as a feeder/fa to witness or make people gain weight? The obvious ones like bakery worker etc., but I want to know what you guys think.
10 years

Feeder/fa's dream job?

Any kind of research job where you have to sit on that growing *** for hours upon hours a day. Sneaking treats and things into your desk to that added weight gain...I will totally write a story about that.
10 years

Feeder/fa's dream job?

This place, assuming they keep the employee discount:

10 years

Feeder/fa's dream job?

I have written a story about a guy who gets a job as a cook at a college sorority house. In the story the house has its own swimming pool. My character gets to see the results of his cooking.

I would think the best jobs would be in food service (obviously) however more fast food, ice cream shops, candy shops, etc.
10 years

Feeder/fa's dream job?

Counsellor at a fat camp. Sabotaging, of course ... smiley
10 years

Feeder/fa's dream job?

My career choice would be "independently wealthy". That way I could afford whatever feedism-related expenses might come up and have plenty of time to spend with my partner.

Forget just living off the interest, fattening off the interest is so much better!
10 years

Feeder/fa's dream job?

I'd like to be the grant manager for the Feeder Foundation, which would give out lavish "feederships" to women who want to get extremely fat but who are held back from gaining by financial concerns.
9 years