Body inflation

New inflation method omg

How can you 'exhale' air into your stomach? It doesn't seem physically possible. The only way I can sort of do this is to wrap my lips around my thumb or finger, fill my cheeks with air and force the air down my throat.

For those having trouble doing what OP described, try this method. You can still get very big.
6 years

New inflation method omg

Can you stick the air pump down your throat?

Sticking it up ur bum doesn't sound right

I've done that in the past, you need to train your gag reflex to prevent vomiting but after that it's very easy to grow huge smiley
6 years

New inflation method omg

Omg this worked so well
5 years

New inflation method omg

Benn trying all week and still can’t dk this. Just can’t seem to open the back of my throat.
3 years
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