


You are only 23 years old, no one takes you seriously, maybe after you become a adult things will be different.

joeman123 wrote:
shryve wrote:
Hi Joe

You do realize that no one accused you of attacking the original poster directly.

You did insult:

1. Men with Gynecomastia
2. Everyone who is not Agnostic which includes everyone believes in God, everyone who does not believe in God and many other groups of people.
3. Women who you associate with cows and udders.

Now we can add

4. Catholics in general
5. Catholics who believe in evolution.

I just can't wait to see who we can add to this list the next you post something!!

joeman123 wrote:

Read ops first line in his post.

Hes asking what are people views on moobs. aka, individual opinions.

I am giving him my opinion, and no im not directly insulting him.

Also it sounds like he may be having second thoughts, so maybe a bunch of people encouraging him to gain may not be the best idea for him?

In regards to atheism, my reference of god, wasnt my belief. God, evolutionary, mother nature whatever, it is being used as a general term for whatever created our biological structure. If I had said evolution, the catholics would have busted my balls instead of the atheists that are doing it now.

In regards to your overly sensitive behaviours, I didnt "bash" your belief of "nothing", lol (nothing to insult even if i wanted). He brought atheism into a topic about moobs, so again. I dont care if your atheist its irrelevent for this topic.


I did not directly insult anyone. I made no reference to gynecomastia. Nor did I insult catholics, your just putting words in my mouth. I think you should look up the word insult in the dictionary.

In all seriousness, you should seek therapy or some kind of self esteem building. If you're that paranoid and sensitive you are going to have one hell of a time surviving in this world.

10 years
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