
Do you feel sexy ?

SoShy wrote:
What if all you ever get in the "real world" is abuse?

....and get followed down the street by some idiot yelling and throwing things at you, where do you find confidence? ....If you confront them, you run the risk of violence and speaking from experience, when you've been pushed into oncoming traffic and the police arrive - it's YOUR fault for "encouraging" them.

And online dating - how do you feel confident after another day of "UR UGLY LOL" and "kill urself"?

There is more to this than you're letting on. Unless you live in some absolutely awful place, this sort of behaviour just doesn't happen without something provoking it. Certainly not on a daily basis anyway.

Being pushed into traffic? That's assault, maybe even attempted murder. That can't have just been the result of an insult and you telling them to get lost or similar.

In places like London, you see all kinds of very fat, very thin, very tattooed, or just plain weird people who are different from the 'norm' all the time and no one ever bats an eyelid.

Perhaps you could try moving and a fresh start?

Two years ago I was pretty down and depressed. I was badly in debt, had moved back home, hated my job and had just come out of a second failed relationship with someone on here.

I was prescribed anti depressants but never took them. Instead I did my best to block out the sad feelings and worked hard to get myself out of debt (I'm almost there), find a new job (took 18 months but I changed in April), and I was also lucky enough to meet someone new on here who is amazing.

I don't often feel sexy in real life, but I get the chance to on here, and with people I meet from here (which is then real life I guess) and that's good enough for me.

There is no one person who can magically fix your situation. You have to put the effort in yourself. It will seem hard and pointless a lot of the time but don't give up and good luck.
9 years

Do you feel sexy ?

Bejewler wrote:
When I'm talking to an FA yes, very. When I'm around friends and family, or out at clubs... Not usually.

Well you should always! Great new pic by the way.
9 years

Do you feel sexy ?

I feel sexy whenever my belly is full.
9 years

Do you feel sexy ?

Not even a little.
9 years
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