
Average calories per day?

Interesting! I have found that it doesn't take a massive amount of calories to gain. I put on weight during the holidays last year. It was pretty easy, just adding a few hundred extra calories a day consistently. I only gained around eight to ten pounds adding an inch and one half to my waist and rear end (I have a really fat butt). I think being consistent is the key.

Good Luck, stay hungry! Ned Fox
10 years

Average calories per day?

Around 3000 to 4000 on average. I guess I have an unfortunately high metabolism. :/
10 years

Average calories per day?

Big beautiful cupcake wrote:
If I could have my way I would want to shoot for around 9000-10,000 a day though and see how much I could gain doing that.

Aw! Why can't you have your way?
10 years

Average calories per day?

I find 5000 + is definitely the magic number for explosively fattening results
10 years