
Feedees: ever orgasm just...

...from eating a lot?
10 years

Feedees: ever orgasm just...

I have. A few times. It usually requires an "extra special" stuffing session and a lot of imagination (or someone talking me through it).
9 years

Feedees: ever orgasm just...

When I was much younger, hornier and reckless, I took advantage of a many hours long drive down a quiet expressway to keep eating the whole way.

After about four hours of eating and fantasizing I shoved a lot of tissue down my pantsanand starting dforcimg a package of cookies into my already packed stomach, while taking the fantasies to eleven. I did orgasm after about twenty minutes of that, a long, tortuous, beast of a thing.

I was never foolish enough to try getting away with that while driving again, but it certainly was memorable!
9 years

Feedees: ever orgasm just...

I find that when I stuff myself to the max I become my most aroused and the more I stuff in the more turned on I get. I remember one night I set out to eat an entire cake I was at the end with only a few bites left and I was completely stuffed but my drive to finish was stronger than my bodies urge to stop eating. It seemed like each one of those last few bites made me harder and harder and left me on the verge of the greatest orgasm ever. I'm also lucky in the fact that I have a wife, who while she is not a feeder, loves to turn me on. She knows that I love being stuffed and that I want to be fat so she loves to feed me to turn me on. And one of her favorite things to do (during marital relations) is lay me on my back get on top of me and funnel me heavy cream and chocolate milk, guaranteed instant orgasm.
9 years

Feedees: ever orgasm just...

I have always loved my significant other being fatter and gaining weight.

But my biggest orgasms have come after I gained a lot of weight with a big gut and my significant other fatter with a lot of weight gain and being stuffed to the max both of us and making love with our big bellies getting in the way.

As far as orgasm myself as a male with being stuffed and already fatter I would say No....but certainly aroused and "Diamond cutter hard" to the max with the thought of fattening. It definitely is an erotic feeling being stuffed and fatter!

Also, my orgasms even with my wife being at her fattest didn't get to my most extreme until I got a big belly of my own for our sexual activities. But what obviously puts me over the edge is when we both have gained weight and she teases and discusses her weight gain or mine for that matter "EXCTASY"
9 years

Feedees: ever orgasm just...

Not from eating too much, but it seems like I can only have good orgasms anymore from stuffing myself. Maybe I've associated food and sex too much smiley
9 years