
Would pic watermark help?

In regards to the recent controversy about picture theft, I see some of you have started adding a copyright watermark to some of your pictures.

It is possible to add a feature to the website that automatically adds a copyright sign to the bottom of your your picture. Perhaps something like:

© username,

Do you think this would help prevent theft? How would you feel about a feature like this?
9 years

Would pic watermark help?

I don't think the username should be in yhe picture. It's quite easy to change usernames and that is a good feature. Espacially when the username gets in the way. I would sugest to use the copyright sign with the tekst "Only for use on Fantasy feeder".
9 years

Would pic watermark help?

"© 2014" seems to be the general consensus, so we'll go with that.

As stated, the copyright symbol may be some deterrent, but won't stop the pics being stolen by determined users. However, even if the image is cropped to remove the symbol it may make it easier to get pics removed from other sites. If you send a copy of the original to the web-master, they will be able to see that efforts were made to protect the copyright and that the picture was not just uploaded to the public domain.
9 years

Would pic watermark help?

eBay uses a symbol that can be recognised anywhere in the corner. I like the idea of the initials of the site FF in a fancy unobtrusive logo.

If you use a logo that others don't know about then it would be easy to spot if the pic is used elsewhere.

Also it would be good to be able to position this logo where you want it, ie top right, top left, bottom right, bottom left, top centre bottom centre.
9 years

Would pic watermark help?

Your belly tattoo, Elanor? Lol
9 years

Would pic watermark help?

I'm just going to chime in as a devil's advocate.

I don't care. If I have uploaded something to the internet then there is NO WAY of stopping someone from taking and/or using it.

It's impossible. Worrying about it will get you nowhere. I could crop out and photoshop out watermarks all I want, and I'm not even that good at photoshop.

The real solution is to stop uploading things to the internet that you want to keep "Private" or out of the hands of others.

THAT is the only true solution. Sorry to break it to you. And trust me, I'm not trying to be 'that guy' but even on Facebook people complain about their stuff being uploaded being their own intellectual property.

Well, your status update and selfies don't count the way a script, artwork or professional model photography work.

Copyright, trademark etc... Laws will NEVER be able to keep up with technology. It's a shame, but again the only real solution to those who hold issues with it is to not upload things you don't want the chance of it being "stolen" and passed around.

After all, the internet is a cesspool of "fair use"
9 years

Would pic watermark help?

So do you propose we all stop uploading pictures? Is that what you want FF to be?

This 'devil's advocate' argument is boring and insulting, everybody knows there is risk when you post online. This is a system of minimising risk by taking whatever precautions we can. We're not stupid, we know nothing will stop internet dicks being dicks, but if a watermark feature prevents just a few people taking our pictures then it is a feature worth having.
9 years

Would pic watermark help?

I never said that's what I want.

Nor can you all have it both ways.
9 years

Would pic watermark help?

It's uncanny how you try to laugh at and beat down the one guy with a valid point, just because it's against what you THINK will work...

"when you put something on the internet, NO MATTER WHERE ON THE INTERNET...

It's forever out there to be used, seen, stolen, taken, enjoyed, hated or loved."
9 years

Would pic watermark help?

I've got to say I'm in agreement with Bill. *shrugs* As unpopular an opinion as it might be, it's completely 100% true. Once you put something on the internet it's in public, forever, you can't take it back. So the only way to be sure of stopping someone taking your photos for their own purposes is not to post them.

But, just because internet content can be abused doesn't mean we have to throw up our hands and say, "Alright, can't stop you so, here it is." Measures can be taken, agreements between websites can be made, and new policies to reduce picture theft can be made. There is a recourse that can stop pilfered photos from appearing on some sites.
9 years
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