
Would pic watermark help?

I don't think the copyright thing would work for sites such as curvage as they were quite open about where the pictures were taken from. I do think it would assist in having the images removed though so it can only be a good thing.

To the people saying don't post pictures if you don't want them stolen. That is exactly why I don't post pictures any more. If everyone felt the way I did then the spank bank would be pretty ***ing empty for everyone.
9 years

Would pic watermark help?

OniGumo wrote:

Measures can be taken, agreements between websites can be made, and new policies to reduce picture theft can be made. There is a recourse that can stop pilfered photos from appearing on some sites.

I like the idea of websites having an agreement not to allow pics and vids from other websites to be posted on their sites and as soon as they find any that they are taken straight down without having to be asked. If websites can work together in that way then pic/vid theft might be reduced some what!
9 years

Would pic watermark help?

crazyfnbill wrote:
If I have uploaded something to the internet then there is NO WAY of stopping someone from taking and/or using it.

It's impossible. Worrying about it will get you nowhere.

We've shown recently that there are things we can do to limit picture theft, so it's folly just to resign ourselves to it as if it is inevitable.

After recent pressure from FF members, Curvage has now removed a thread on their site containing many stolen pictures, and added a take-down request form to the bottom of every page.

You're right that the safest way of all is not to upload pictures in the first place, but then there would be no FF or Curvage. What we're trying to do is minimize the amount of theft by making it as difficult and awkward for the thieves as possible.
9 years

Would pic watermark help?

Fastfooddeliveryservice wrote:
I like the idea of websites having an agreement not to allow pics and vids from other websites to be posted on their sites and as soon as they find any that they are taken straight down without having to be asked. If websites can work together in that way then pic/vid theft might be reduced some what!

I like the sound of this. I think it can work. When you consider the scope of this community there's really only a handful of sites. Outside of this is... Dims, Curvage? So by these sites working together it can stop the spread of people taking pictures.
9 years

Would pic watermark help?

Theik wrote:
Yeah, because tumblr and the like manually check every picture and then take them down as soon as you file a complaint.

You can't prevent somebody from stealing an image on the internet. At best you can prevent them from doing so again by blocking their IP, but adding a watermark to an image is not going to help with that at all.

I updated my post. (Didn't think anyone would quote it so quickly)

Though I didn't say it would be the magical solution to this problem. Though it can curb a bit of the spread. I know Tumblr has a reputation of being the "wild west" of picture piracy.
9 years
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