
Feeling lazy from the weight

Yeah I second FL's comment. Moving around both helps get over the drowsy doom from just eating and in general if you develop some endurance.

In truth, working out is really the best thing for keeping the bad parts of being fat away, even better than antidiabetic drugs. Catchin' a pump beats metformin every time.
9 years

Feeling lazy from the weight

I have experienced that in my own gaining journey. I agree with what others have said keeping up some activity does help with the slothness. I feel it helps to be mindful of your will power. Once up and moving you feel better at least for the time being to complete your chores and to do list. I have also found helpful how I schedule my day. As example if you have a big commute or day that you have a lot of errands to run. I hold off on the big binges or eating the foods (i.e. pot of pasta) that will park you till I am home and satisfied with my to do list that I won't feel guilty if I don't get off the couch again. Good luck and enjoy your journeysmiley
9 years