Story authors

Like mother like daughters?

Hi guys am looking for a story I think like mother like daughters. it was a story about a woman who is 600 pounds with two twin girls.the first part of the story showed how the mother interacted with her daughters at 600 pounds. then the story started with flashbacks of how the mother was at college when she met her future husband but at the time there was no love connection. one night she went to frat party and got really drunk and passed out on the street. Her future husband saw her and carried her all the way to the hospital. When the girl's mother came to the hospitalshe was mad because her daughter had put on 20 pounds. the last part is the girl and her future husband are curled up together in a chair.
that's about all I can remember I don't remember who wrote it but I would like to know if it had ever gotten finished.
9 years