Fat experiences

School: 54 pounds is too fat!

9 years

School: 54 pounds is too fat!

Okay, let's be real here. The school did absolutely nothing wrong. The girl was simply ever so slightly out of the healthy BMI and the school informed the mother. Nothing was malicious, nor intended to hurt the girl. We have to remember that not everyone wants to be fat, and there really is nothing wrong with implementing a body conscious lifestyle at a young age.
9 years

School: 54 pounds is too fat!

When I was in grade one we measured everyone's height and weight, and put it all on a big change t which hung in the corridor for a month....this would uav been mid 70s. So I'll thought it out ideas like this are not a new thing.

(This was when I realized I was bigger than my peers. My best friend and I were both ~60lbs, everyone else around 40. Since we were the fastest runners, best red rover players, and I had a bullet proof male ego, I concluded everyone else was too small and we were just right. For a more sensitive kid it could have been far worse.)
9 years