Fat experiences

Does this site make us gain more

For sure! I have been on here a long time, but without this site I never would have felt comfortable gaining accidentally, let alone purposefully. Its great knowing there are other like-minded people and those that appreciate fatties hehe.
8 years

Does this site make us gain more

Yes without doubt this website has contributed to my size increase. It's also increased my self confidence so that I look forward to getting fatter rather than being ashamed of it.

Same for me. It has really spurred me on to be happy with my fat desires and enjoy gaining weight. It has also opened my eyes to the beauty and sexual appeal of SSBBWs. When I was younger I tended to like chubby girls but now women 300 lbs. and up really turn me on. And my own weight gain to over 300 lbs. has been a pleasurable journey as well
8 years

Does this site make us gain more

Yes without doubt this website has contributed to my size increase. It's also increased my self confidence so that I look forward to getting fatter rather than being ashamed of it.

Same for me. It has really spurred me on to be happy with my fat desires and enjoy gaining weight. It has also opened my eyes to the beauty and sexual appeal of SSBBWs. When I was younger I tended to like chubby girls but now women 300 lbs. and up really turn me on. And my own weight gain to over 300 lbs. has been a pleasurable journey as well

Both of these comments above almost exactly!
8 years

Does this site make us gain more

So true. I really enjoy sharing my stories and gaining experiences on this site. It reinforces my inner most thoughts on gaining.
8 years

Does this site make us gain more

When I started, I was around 150-lbs. Now I'm around 233-lbs.
8 years

Does this site make us gain more

It's definitely reinforcing my desire to gain more.
7 years