
Loving food...

Perhaps all you can buffets??? Lots of variety they.

Also, if the activity of eating is boring, which I could understand, it is repetitive, then perhaps snacking while doing something else like reading or watching a movie. For me, I love the flavors and smells and want to enjoy them so eating is fun and enjoyable for me.
8 years

Loving food...

next time you go out to eat, check out whatever sampler the place offers, small portions of a variety of dishes is usually a good way to keep from getting bored.

You may also want to consider trying new places to eat. Work on touring the various eateries in your area, At least for me it takes longer to grow bored of food if its something new.
8 years

Loving food...

All very good suggestions above.

I found that when I get bored or even full that if I order a milkshake while gaining I can slurp it down in no time and even want to go back for more. Not only does this add major calories but it stretches your gut and eventually even if you get bored of eating you will still be eating because your appetite has grown so much from your stomach being stretched,
8 years

Loving food...

So I tried it for the first time today! 1/2 pint of Heavy cream mixed with some 2% milk in like a 16 oz. glass. I took a few sips to see how thick it was and it wasn't bad even though it looked pretty thick. After my 2 sips I chugged it in one slow gulp.

I am kinda scared how easy it went down.....I almost feel if I blended it with some ice cream I could do a whole pint and make it a milk shake....oh boy if I let loose and really try and fatten up that might be very easy.
8 years

Loving food...

Uh oh.....Had like 1000 calorie lunch today along with a king size snicker bar for desert and to wash it down chugged a pint of heavy cream.

So a little over 3000 calories for lunch.
8 years