
Fat, glutonous, bi piggy?

Awesome dreams I wish I had dreams like that.
8 years

Fat, glutonous, bi piggy?

RoyalRolls: There is nothing wrong with you with for feeling the way you do. Women's bodies are beautiful, even to other women. I think your curiosity is understandable and natural. If it's not a sexual interest in other girls than you probably aren't bi. There is the chance that could come later though.

For now, it sounds more like you just enjoy and appreciate fat women, both as one yourself and in others. You mentioned nothing about fat guys, so maybe it's just the way the female body fattens that happens to appeal to you. There is no right or wrong here. I would encourage you to discover your authentic self, without judging yourself for it.

As for a discussion with your husband about all this. Given what you've said, sounds promising. If he is unfamiliar with all of this, then might be best to ease him into it..... bit by bit. Other people have had some negative outcomes when they just tell their partner EVERYTHING all at once. Test the waters a bit... something subtle that if he doesn't react well, it's not a big deal and there is no embarrassment to either of you.

Some examples... if you've never verbalized it, then when he's stroking your tummy and the mood is getting a little intimate, maybe a comment about liking how he rubs your tummy and that could lead to a comment about if you were the same size as when you got married, he'd have no tummy to rub - or something like that and see how he reacts. If he's encouraging you to indulge in treats and have whatever you want, perhaps there is something you could say that would touch on the topic without admitting too much on your part or accusing him of anything serious - which might result in an automatic denial. Perhaps you could say something like "You know, some girls get stuck with guys that badger them about their weight and they are so unhappy. I'm so lucky to have a guy that encourages me to enjoy what life has to offer" or something like that. If he comments something positive about your size, you could respond with something like "Some guys say that stuff but don't really mean it. However, I feel like you genuinely do and I can't tell you what a relief that is (or something like that)."

Also, you might try really stuffing yourself one night... either something at home that is really really good and you just over do it, or an all you can eat buffet where you just gorge yourself and comment to him after about how you probably shouldn't eat that much, or eating like that will just make your tummy bigger, and you shouldn't do it again" - things like that. See what he says. You probably know him well enough to know if his reactions are genuine or if he feels obligated to say something supportive.

Also, while at at the mall or something, maybe there will be an opportunity to discuss a larger person you see. "You know, fashion magazines and Hollywood all say we have to be skinny to be beautiful, but look at that lady over there. She's big but I think she's very pretty/beautiful." You could end there or ask him "What do you think? Is she nice looking or too big for you?" However, this may feel like a loaded question or a question he can't answer without getting in trouble. It depends on how you two communicate and how open and honest you can be with each other.

Now, if the little things go well, you may be tempted to keep revealing more and more until..... boom, something uncomfortable and awkward is said. Resist the temptation. The goal here is to introduce him to it in a way that is all positive. You want him to have a positive association with this world. Slow and steady wins the race. A little more and a little more each time the topic comes up, but naturally, it can't come up too often, too fast. Now, on the off chance that he is already aware of this world, then you might be able to move faster but even in that case, got to give each of you a chance to get comfortable with what other is saying before the envelope gets pushed even further. I would leave your interest in other women till the very last and only when you think he's ready to hear it. When he is though, he's probably gonna think he won that jackpot with you. Personally, I would be very happy to marry a girl I loved only to later find out she likes gaining weight, looks good as a fat women, AND on top of that, wants to include another like minded woman too. For me that's like "too good to be true - I'd never get that lucky".

Sorry for the long winded post but I hope it was helpful. Please do keep us posted, I can't be the only one curious to see how it all plays out. :-)

8 years

Fat, glutonous, bi piggy?

...and doesn't like the term overweight because it implies there is a weight i should be.

I have said the same thing for the same reason.

However, he is so clean cut and I think the idea of anything "fetishistic" would horrify him. But I'm dying to explore it.

Clean cut people have fetishes too. Fetishes can be a secret expression of interests and likes we can not express (sometimes for good reason) in everyday life. I'm generally regarded as pretty clean cut. I don't smoke, drink or swear. I dress respectable and treat others with respect and courtesy. I'm known as the "Gentle Giant" and the "Lovable Teddybear". Even my closest friends and family would never suspect I have some of the interests and fetishes I do. In fact, with some, they would come to my defense and deny it if someone were to accuse me of them. So, in the area of fetishes, erotic interests and other socially awkward or unacceptable interests, we can make no assumptions what so ever about someone, no matter how well we think we know them. :-)

It is possible though, that he has never been exposed to this world and might genuinely deny liking it at first. That is why I suggest slow incremental steps by you to gradually introduce him - assuming his response is a positive one. It's an opportunity for you to be creative and have a little fun with him :-) Create opportunities for the topic to come up without you overtly bringing it up. For example, maybe if the two of you are having dinner at the table and its dessert time, you could put your arms behind your back in a prolonged stretch (which would also hint at being submissive or a captive) and then eye your dessert and comment how good it looks. And then maybe even look at it wistfully and say, "It's just going to go straight to my hips though, maybe I should skip it". He may do nothing, he may verbally encourage you, or he may pick up your fork and give you a bite. Even if he doesn't, you may have just tuned him on. You never know. It's also possible he likes bigger girls but has no interest in the gaining or feeding aspects.

I know you're eager to discuss it with him, but you don't want to weird him out but saying too much too soon. The more you can discover about him in this area, the more likely you will be able to know how and when to share this with him.

If he's stroking your stomach a lot, and naming different parts, I'd say he's at least a Fat Admirer. If he's promising to feed you treats even if you got obese... He may be a feeder too, even if he is unaware of the terms and labels. You definitely need to explore it with him, but slowly and carefully. :-)
8 years

Fat, glutonous, bi piggy?

I guess I long to touch another woman because I think I must feel good and I imagine another woman would too. Is it wrong to seek that out? Another pigout playmate? Someone like me?

I don't think so. Especially if you're trying to learn and discover something about yourself and there is nothing sexual between you and the other woman. Why would a pig out playmate be any more wrong than two other women going shopping together or to lunch or just talking about a mutual interest?
8 years