Extreme obesity

What is the heaviest girl that you have ever dated?

As of this moment 370 and rising.
8 years

What is the heaviest girl that you have ever dated?

That's a great question. I dated an English girl who was 540lbs for a few months, however she had to go back to the UK and we lost touch. 20 years ago I went out with a girl who was much bigger but to this day I have no idea how much she weighed,; I never asked. I'd be guessing but it would have had to be over 600lbs. She had some issues with mobility but nothing that got in her way too much. I remember that she had her seat replaced in the car to one which could accommodate her size and she made all of her own cloths. Funny, but the one thing that sticks in my mind all these years later is that on our second date she asked me stop at KFC on our way to dinner and she ordered and ate a large meal and then seamlessly had an entree, main and dessert at the restaurant. We are still in touch and she has lost a fair bit of weight since then but she would still be over 400lbs.
8 years

What is the heaviest girl that you have ever dated?

Pam told me she was 230 lbs. - but at 5'10" and cubic foot-wise, clearly a lot bigger than I was at 6'1" and 200 pounds, particularly below the waist, I think she was actually a good 270 or 280, maybe more.
She came by once after we'd broken up and told me she'd put on an extra 25 pounds and now I wish I'd asked her to prove it.
7 years

What is the heaviest girl that you have ever dated?

Heaviest was probably in the 320-350 range, but it wasn't actually dating more so than it was fooling around. But she hated her body and wanted to lose weight unfortunately.
7 years

What is the heaviest girl that you have ever dated?

OMG you guys really care about the weight of your women huh. I think appearance is more attractive than numbers myself....call me old fashioned

Great point. The biggest woman I have ever dated was also the most beautiful! She cared about her appearance. She always made sure her clothes fit week. She brushed her long blonde hair. She wore make up (although she didn't need it). She was friendly, outgoing, always smiling, and had a great attitude about herself and helping other people. She was adventureous and never afraid to try new things. She was loving and an amazing lover. She could do things women one quarter her size wouldn't even couldn't do. Even after I moved to take a job in another town (she couldn't relocated because of family considerations), we have continued to be friends. She is also 5' 8" 470 pounds making her the biggest, and most incredible, woman I have ever dated.
7 years

What is the heaviest girl that you have ever dated?

I remember back nearly 20 years ago when I was a junior in highschool I was very self conscious and had a poor self image because of my weight. I find that hard to believe now since i�m now over 120 pounds heavier and have way many more fat rolls but back then as a 17 year old girl and being 175 pounds at only 5�0� tall my world was very different. I know � of the guys avoided me like the plague and was frequently called the �fat chick� by some in my graduating class. I had a few memorable dates though. There were some fat admirers in my school but they were few and far between and I think there were a fair number too embarrassed to admit it. Most of the fat admirers I dated in the mid-late 1990s were true gentlemen.
In recent years I�ve been over 300 pounds on several occasions. I have learned to accept and even love all my excess weight. It seems like everywhere I�ve lived or visited there are always guys asking if I�m available. It seems like being a size 28 today don�t scare guys off like being a size 16 back in high school some 20 years ago. I guess there are for more obese and even morbidly obese women in society today and people are becoming more accepting of us once again. It is even more common today for a man to have a morbidly obese wife or girlfriend.
What is the heaviest girl that you have ever dated?
What did you like most or least about dating a bbw or ssbbw?
If you are married or in a long term relationship, would you consider your wife or significant other to be a bbw or ssbbw?
Was your partner considered obese when you met or became that way after being together?

What are some of the pros and cons, or challenges that you faced being married or in a relationship with a bbw or ssbbw?

Attitude is everything. You definitely have the right attitude today. Congratulations! If you don't already have him, you are going to make some man incredibly happy!
7 years

What is the heaviest girl that you have ever dated?

I have already "weighed in" on this subject, but I wanted to answer because I am a guy and numbers excite me. smiley

I remember years ago reading advertisements for a weight loss product and thinking the women were so much more beautiful in the "before" photos.

When I started dating, I bowed to societal pressure and only dated chubby women or bigger women with even larger breasts because big breasts are always acceptable. There was a girl in high school who was a SSBBW (although I don't think I knew the term yet) who I really wish I had dated. I didn't know her well, but she was always fun to engage in conversation. I really missed out.

In college I met a thin woman and we dated exclusively for three years. She started talking about marriage, but I was non-committal and she broke up with me. It was the best thing that ever happened.

After college and on my own, I realized I could and should date whomever I wanted. I meet a woman who I guessed was about 250 pounds and she swept me off my feet. We dated for a long time. We both loved to eat. By the time we came to the end, she was well over 300 pounds. Nothing bad happened between us, we just moved on.

Over the next few years, I knew I would only be happy with a larger woman. Some guys like hair, eyes, or long legs. I like fat. I had some great dates with some sexy BBW and SSBBW. I treat people the way I want to be treated. I am sure if I see any of them again, we will have good memories of what we enjoyed.

Then came the internet! I miss the AOL days of creating a "Looking for a BBW in (fill in the city)" chat room and waiting only moments for women to arrive.

I was traveling for work and had the opportunity to meet new women in new places. I was completely honest about going new places to meet BBW and SSBBW. During this period, I met a woman who told me she weighed 465 pounds with measurements of 56-48-68. She also loved being fat! She showed me how she played with her fat and that it can be a very erotic experience for both of us!

What I learned in this relationship, I shared with other BBW and SSBBW. I have met and enjoyed many fat women. At least one BBW even preferred fat men. smiley

I met my 470 pound friend via the internet and we dated for about 9 months. Since then I have been seeing a 382 pound woman who is incredible in ALL aspects.

Suffice it to say, I prefer fat woman! Will 470 be my biggest? I don't know, but I know I would enjoy the opportunity to be with an even larger woman - maybe even a feeder.

Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed this. I still travel for work and enjoy meeting people for fun, friendship, feasting, and whatever common interests we find we share. Drop me a note. smiley
7 years

What is the heaviest girl that you have ever dated?


Thanks! 😎
7 years

What is the heaviest girl that you have ever dated?

About 315 and 4'11.
7 years

What is the heaviest girl that you have ever dated?

Wow Halever, nice stories!

For me, I had a couple of girls, 5'4" and 5'5" that got to 312 and 309 respectively. Beautiful bodies. Those two were my favorite. My actual heaviest was a 5'7" girl that hit 384 but that number may be misleading as her dad was a direct descendant of Red Beard and she had that Viking build, "built like a Mac truck" as she put it. Her bones were like steel girders. When we met, she about 240ish but not fat at all, not even noticeably thick, just broad and very sturdy. It's interesting.

The 5'4" girl, always struggled with weight, hated herself for it, and if I said anything positive about her, she turned it into a negative so I learned to stop trying to help her feel good about it. The 5'5" girl, was about 250 when we met and like her "pudge" as she referred to it. Once finding out I like bigger girls and would love to see her bigger, that was all she needed to know to stop struggling and start enjoying. She also liked bigger guys and had Feeder tendencies although she knew nothing of this community. It was a long distance relationship and we talked a lot about what it would be like if we were together. She wanted to cook and bake and that warned me that if I didn't gain weight, she wouldn't feel like she was taking good care of me. She would have married me if I had asked. Part of me wonders if I should have. She was an awesome girl in so many ways. I miss her. She's happily married now, to a very big guy.
7 years
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