Fat experiences

Everyday things getting harder

Everything that you mentioned and I would like to add cleaning up after the bathroom. Seems like your arms get to short to reach around an ever increasing buttox.
8 years

Everyday things getting harder

This is one of my favorite things about getting fat... feeling its effects on everything. I like feeling how my belly gets in the way when i try to bend over to tie my shoes or pick up something on the floor. I also get a little out of breath from it. Getting in and out of the car is another... just a lot more work and maneuvering. Obviously exertion is more difficult, such as getting out of breath from just a few stairs or after short walks. Not to mention its harder to put on old clothes smiley
8 years

Everyday things getting harder

Don't forget the awesome ness of having to rest your belly on the counter to get close enough to reach high shelves.
8 years

Everyday things getting harder

For me, squeezing through places is not as easy as it once was as I've gotten bigger, and finding ways to dress myself properly is difficult so I don't get a bad image (lazy, not very intelligent)
8 years