
Olive oil instead of cream?

Hi Nattily! I used to add olive oil to my shake and other things and it was easy to do and was not noticed. However, drinking it straight in any great quantity( a few ounces) might be challenging. Does it work? It seemed to pack a punch for me but I was also slamming a ton of other foods so I can can't say if it is any better than cream.
I think you have to start slow and get accustomed to larger amounts just like building your capacity for more and more food. You'll have to put up with any side effects for a while until you start to see and feel the results of your hard work.
I think those two items are strong tools to get you where you want to go.
Stick with it and it's going to happen for you. Sooner or later ....You WILL be fat!! Go for it!!
8 years

Olive oil instead of cream?

Worked for this woman:
8 years

Olive oil instead of cream?

I have drank olive oil and it really does work, it does fatten you up. The trick is to not get your tongue overloaded with the fat taste. Cream is easier to drink and I was always trying to mask the heavy fat taste of olive oil, and found some tricks:
1. freeze it into an ice cream tray, make pellets that are not too large. You can swallow these bit by bit, without tasting the oil and just use something yummy to drink, flushes them right down and adds little fat bombs to your diet.
2. drink the olive oil directly. This can also be hot, since you are really drinking pure fat. The danger is that the taste of pure fat makes you gag, but I found that a good way is to have a drink ready to chase it down right away, to be very fast about it. So that the fat stays in the mouth just a very short moment.

I also try to gain healthily and was always using olive oil for that. The important thing is to not use too much of it, because your belly won't be able to absorb it. Just do like 25 to 50 ml max to start, but do that every 8 hours or so, you will notice if your belly takes it, as otherwise not all of it will get digested. I found it really exciting to realize that my belly was getting used to digest that much fat and that I could up the dose.

I also gained steadily with it, I now know that the fat rolls I got at the back of my neck are from that. It is a wonderful sure fire way to gain.
Just make sure you use real olive oil, because more of them are unfortunately fake and mixed up with cheaper oils, especially the ones that get imported from Europe (almost sure that they are fake). There is a study from the University of Davis about it, but more about that next time.

8 years