Fat experiences

Fat creating fat

I think it is like an addiction, you need more and more to be satisfied...
8 years

Fat creating fat

I've given up on trying to figure out what's "normal" anymore but I've had the same experience. I start to eat because I'm hungry but that turns into overeating because everything just tastes so good and then the thought of seeing the number on the scale go higher and higher turns me on so I really overdo it, take a nap, wake up and do it all over again. I'm totally addicted to gaining...even now, when I'm trying to be at least a little good, all I can think of is burgers and fries.
8 years

Fat creating fat

I can relate to this as well. Probably 2 or 3 times a year I get these intense feelings for myself to gain weight and usually really act on it just once a year. It usually happens when my appetite increases naturally and I notice how much I have been eating initially and then I realize I have gained a bit of weight.

During that intense time....I feel exactly like this, the more I eat and see myself getting bigger and more bloated it drives the passion to eat more. I then intentionally stuff myself at every meal and have the need to eat more fattening things. All of a sudden without really trying I need a desert or fattening snack following every massive meal. Where as before I never had a sweet tooth not to mention would I eat that much fattening things....but at this point I crave fattening everything and I continue to eat all of it. The bigger I get the more I want to eat and vice versa.....and after a while my appetite is out of control and I am eating nearly 3-4 times what I used to eat on a daily basis.

During these times ..the craziest thing....and it maybe because I am so full from my last meal always....that when the next meal comes around I don't really feel totally hungry but the minute I start eating I just keep going and I can't stop...almost like their is no shut off valve. Anyone else experience this?

Another thing I have noticed over the last three years from doing this....my set point weight has really increased. I can't get below 250 Lbs. even when it feels I am not eating that much where as it used to be 210 Lbs. judt 3 years ago was more my set point.
8 years

Fat creating fat

Fat definitely creates fat. I have noticed that I got more interested and excited to put on more weight since I have gotten a little fat belly. And I know that it will speed up still, right now I'm just being fattened by my feeder these days and it feels so wonderful carrying a lot of fat in my gut and waiting for it to start making me balloon up with more fat.
For me it is like being seduced by the fat.
8 years

Fat creating fat

For certain if you like fat, being fat for real is even better than theory, so makes gaining more seem all the more plausible smiley

But yes, if you get enough fatter to graduate into a new category of how others and you yourself view you, it makes 'fatter habits' easier, I think. I.e. if you are at work and have to go between floors and people expect you to use the elevator, you are less likely to use the stairs, and so on.
8 years