
"mukbang" stuffing livestreams

I have a feeling that many people here have heard of the korean phenomenon called "Mukbang" where people live stream themselves eating huge amounts of food. My first thought upon discovering this amazing idea was that westerners that are into stuffing would be all over this, what with the fact that you can interact and give/receive encouragement in real time during a recorded stuffing, and chat with others who are into the same thing all at once. But after searching around a little bit I haven't been able to find any livestream channels devoted to stuffing!

So, I am coming to you now to find out if anyone here knows any channels that do live stuffing streams catered towards a community such as this one, and also if anyone besides myself is even interested in this kind of thing.
7 years

"mukbang" stuffing livestreams

Westerners who do mukbang seem to put it on YouTube instead of doing it live, so a proper mukbang stream from North America would be a rare thing if not entirely unique. Here's an article by an American who tried it:

Nothing stops you from streaming on, where the Korean pros are. Otherwise you'd need to build an audience from scratch someplace like Ustream.

To hedge your bets, widen your audience and give yourself something to talk about, you could start a Twitch channel and play video games while you eat, though the novelty of the eating aspect might invite some strong reactions and, frankly, abuse. A good team of mods can mitigate this though.

As for interest, I'd certainly follow you.
7 years

"mukbang" stuffing livestreams

That would be awesome! Just to find a service that allows for NSFW content just in case. smiley
7 years

"mukbang" stuffing livestreams

Thanks for all your lovely replies!

@Soylentlilac- That was so informative, and I absolutely loooved reading that article!

@Paperandbones- That is 100% how I feel about watching korean mukbangs! It's fun, but you can never see their tummies. smiley

I haven't really given much thought to doing a stuffing oriented mukbang myself before, but I'm kind of starting to consider it after hearing this feedback. I'm pretty shy and I can't eat nearly as much as some of the more impressive mukbang broadcasters, but if it could start a trend of stuffing livestreams I'm willing to give it a try!

So, what's the verdict? Would anybody want to try coming to watch and talk with me while I stuff my face on livestream?
7 years

"mukbang" stuffing livestreams

Thanks for all your lovely replies!

@Soylentlilac- That was so informative, and I absolutely loooved reading that article!

@Paperandbones- That is 100% how I feel about watching korean mukbangs! It's fun, but you can never see their tummies. smiley

I haven't really given much thought to doing a stuffing oriented mukbang myself before, but I'm kind of starting to consider it after hearing this feedback. I'm pretty shy and I can't eat nearly as much as some of the more impressive mukbang broadcasters, but if it could start a trend of stuffing livestreams I'm willing to give it a try!

So, what's the verdict? Would anybody want to try coming to watch and talk with me while I stuff my face on livestream?

I would definitely come and watch it c:
7 years