
Health issues after getting fat

Nothing major for me after gaining 80 lbs. Some of the standard blood test numbers are not as good but not high or over limits. The main thing is that I think I have started snoring so I don't sleep as well... sleeping on my side fixes that though.
7 years

Health issues after getting fat

It's kinda cheating because my starting weight was in 7th grade, but I went from sub-100 to 275 and my only issue so far was slightly too low HDL cholesterol (the good kind), which I solved by going for walks a couple times a week. My blood pressure, blood sugar and LDL (bad) cholesterol have never had any problems.

However, it is impossible for me to run anymore without getting shin splints or otherwise hurting myself, no matter how much I stretch.
7 years

Health issues after getting fat

My cholesterol got a bit higher when I was at 270 lb. Wasn't at dangerous levels or anything though. Everything else was alright smiley.
7 years