
Why you like being fat

I'm not especially fat, but here are my answers

1. The feel, softness, and jiggle. The extra resistance going up stairs or biking up hills. Most of the time how I look. All the good food I've eaten to get this big. Just feeling that I look the way I should (well, on the very lowest edge of that, at least)

2. Being able to do team sports with normal weight people, easier / better fit of clothes, being able to easily run or jog some distance, being able to get up out of the water more easily when water skiing, being able to go harder at downhill skiing, fitting in more easily / thin privilege (not that I was ever especially thin, but close enough to get some of the benefits).
7 years

Why you like being fat

1. I really like the shape of my body. I have a firm, protruding belly 46" waist and a round 43" bubble butt. I wear brief style underwear to show off how much weight I have gained.

2. Not being in as good a shape as I used to be. I get winded earlier and sweat more. I still jog in the mornings, just to keep some degree health.
7 years