Extreme obesity

Fattest ever

I have had the fantasy for a long time to see a woman or a man get fattened up steadily and this all under medical supervision, so it is as safe as possible, make sure the body can tolerate it and find out how fat a human being can become, as a maximum. Obviously, you would use a feedee for this purpose, a person that has always dreamed of becoming gigantically fat, loves fat and would also get support in doing daily activities, a lift to get out of bed and a large heavy duty scooter to get around, if that can be done.
Then document the process carefully, I would love to show how they get fatter and fatter and fatter, how their face changes, their belly, their legs, their arms, everything. There is not much documentation or material on extreme obesity and the ones that exist are all on poor victims, that never wanted to gain that much and just had an eating disorder. A feedee like that would love being so fat and being so massive.
During this, fattening and gaining could also be studied, how fat gets created in the body etc. which could give important insights.
I just love super obese people, they are so amazing to look at and beautiful.
7 years