
First public stuffing

well, lately i have been travelling a lot due to job, that means a lot of eating in restaurants. Allways been really thin, but seems that now my apetite its slowly growing. Tonight, I went out for dinner and had a huge plate of 3steaks with fries and a beer. When I left the restaurant, I wasnt feeling satisfied, so I entered in another restaurant on my way to the hotel. I ordered a serving of macarroni with meatballs and one beer. Halfway trought the pasta, I began to feel full but I finished anyway.
Walking to the hotel, I had to sit and rest for a while because I was to stuffed to walk, never happened to me before and the best thing is that I didnt care!!! My stomach was pushing my shirt so far and I didnt even tried to suck it in...I come from a small town where everybody konws everyone but here nobody knows me and I feel free.

I have two more days to keep anonimously fullfilling me, I think this time Im going to get fat.
7 years