Fat experiences

Wife finally noticed

So I've been slowly (and unintentionally) gaining for the past few years. Probably a total of only 10-20 pounds gained, so nothing extreme. In the past any comment I made to my wife about putting on pounds, or my pants getting tight was greeted by a scoff and/or a comment about how my body looks the same as when we started dating (something I knew to be untrue, but was kind of her to say).

Anyway, I must have hit a tipping point the other day. I was changing clothes to go work out, and made a (genuinely) surprised comment about how my work out shorts were cutting into my belly. She was in the room and turned around to make one of her usual comments, but then I saw change flash across her face. Her eyes darted down to my belly that was CLEARLY pooching out over my waist band. She just kind of laughed, and it looked like she was just noticing the full 20lbs that had slowly settled around my midsection for the first time, and that the skinny athlete she had started dating years ago now had a belly and love handles. To drive the point home, I sat down on the edge of the bed and pointed out how my belly was now drooping OVER my waistband, and how much it jiggled. By admission all she could say was "well, that's the first time I've ever seen ROLLS on you".

She seems totally fine with my being a little pudgier, and I've enjoyed being able to talk a little more openly about it with her. I haven't really brought up the topic of this specific kink, but it seems like we are making progress toward that end, as it seems like something that is worth discussing. She has gained a good amount of weight over the course of our relationship (much to my delight, and with no help from me), so I think she enjoys not feeling like the only out-shape chubster in the house.
7 years