Fat experiences

Do any other fat guys have issues finding a woman in the dating scene?

That's a good question, I've always just avoided it myself.
6 years

Do any other fat guys have issues finding a woman in the dating scene?

scale buster:
It's all about confidence. I know it's cliche, but I get more attention now (I'm 340lbs) than I did when I was 180lbs about 6-7 years ago. I look more confident even though I'm much bigger. I dress better, I'm not nervous, I'm funny (I didn't make jokes before as I thought it might be offensive...huge mistake!). I've found a very small percentage of women have a problem with my weight. There are a few, but would you want to date someone like that anyways? I guess that biggest thing is that I'm just more comfortable with who I am and people sense that, which makes me seem stable.

I think your right! I will throw out a quick list some the same and a few others.

* Confidence (Not overly confident but confident)
* Humor
* Hygiene
* Clothing (nicely dressed, especially nice shoes)
* Good conversationalist
* Attentive

These are a few.....there are definitely more. Remember women think ahead and if they plan on dating you more than once they think ahead and they assume that you must show up good in front of their friends as well. So to get the highest percentage of potential women you must do all the necessary things.
6 years

Do any other fat guys have issues finding a woman in the dating scene?

Past 7 years I been told I am ugly, worthless, useless, ugly, nothing but trash, I have nothing to offer any woman, that no woman would want me, I am a joke, even told I needed to kill myself, I have even been catfished about 20 times over the past 7 years on every dating site and app.

I dunno what catfished is but it sounds unpleasent.

I know women are important but the first thing to learn is you're not concerned what they think of you.

The second thing to learn is we're all a bit shit and can all be described as worthless and what ever. That's unimportant too.

You have some skills and abilities that you're quite pleased with yourself with. You smile about them. No need to show off or to get anyone else's opinion on them.

Work on your skills and on any weaknesses you believe are worth the effort. In my opinion my marathon running abilities are crap but I won't waste my time even thinking about it. However there are some things I can improve that would help me. I'm not bothered, I can stay the same and it won't matter, it just might be more fun if I improved.

As a man it's important to do your thing but don't worry if it impresses anyone or not. It might but if it does just politely thank them for the compliment. Equally it's unimportant if someone tells you that the way you do your thing is crap and other people do it better. Maybe true but it's unimportant if you're the best, leave that for the Olympics. You're quite pleased with your own performance, you get satisfaction.

Right so now you've got your own opinion of yourself sorted time to talk to women.

So do not prepare yourself, do not think about talking to a woman. Just talk to her. She might give you some shit that makes you feel bad. They can do that just by looking you up and down. So here's what you think "Oh she's checking me out, perhaps she likes what she sees, perhaps not, let's find out".

At this point you're interested in what she thinks but what you think is more important to yourself. If she thinks you're a disgusting fat lump of shit then you're not her type. It's not that you need to not be a fat lump of shit or that she needs to change her opinion. It just means you need to meet the next one.

If you are happy with yourself then you make your opinion the reality. If she does not fancy you then that is a little odd but she is entitled to her opinion. If she does fancy you then that's sort of what you were expecting since you're that kinda guy. You're happy about it but not super delighted. You need to get to know her, she might not be your type.

Do you get what I am saying? What came through on your post was that you hold their negative opinions of yourself in high regard. Don't.

You're no superman but you're quite pleased with yourself. Plenty good enough but you're not bothered if others don't see it. Their problem for not being more observant.

Take care fella.
6 years