Story authors

Got confused trying to post a story, help?

there's a first page you come to when you select "create"

there you add the title and description, choose the type of story, character, orientation, and image... which you select if you have an image when the story is displayed in the story section. a caveat...the image can only be 128 pixels x 128 pixels (1.75" square @ 72 pixels per inch) to be accepted.

after selecting the image which should appear in the window if accepted click "save" just below.

that will take you to the add a chapter page into which you will cut (from your original doc) and paste into the add a chapter page and click "save"

do that for each chapter but remember that there are minimum and maximum number of characters (words)...i think its 10ooo _characters incl spaces max, not words.

What I do before i even consider uploading is create equal length chapters in my word doc ( i make mine generally between 600 and 1200 words for easy reading). That gives you a chance to review, correct grammar and spelling, etc. although you can always go back and edit by clicking on the pencil.

let me know if you get stuck or need more help.
6 years