Fat experiences

Talk about friends reactions to seeing you gained alot of weight in such a short time go into de

A couple nights ago a friend came for dinner. After the butterball cleared the dishes she said, "He's gotten big, hasn't he?" When it was clear I liked this change she smiled and once convinced I approved we had him come in where she said, "you've certainly gotten fat, haven't you?" She asked how much he's gained and I told her, and I showed her how he's getting more round, how fat his side have gotten. She said she thought he was sweet. He went red but he looked pleased.
I got to show off my fat little butterball for ths first time.
6 years

Talk about friends reactions to seeing you gained alot of weight in such a short time go into de

A couple nights ago a friend came for dinner. After the butterball cleared the dishes she said, "He's gotten big, hasn't he?" When it was clear I liked this change she smiled and once convinced I approved we had him come in where she said, "you've certainly gotten fat, haven't you?" She asked how much he's gained and I told her, and I showed her how he's getting more round, how fat his side have gotten. She said she thought he was sweet. He went red but he looked pleased.
I got to show off my fat little butterball for ths first time.
getting to show off your good work, that must have put a smile on your face smiley
6 years

Talk about friends reactions to seeing you gained alot of weight in such a short time go into de

I live for these stories. I've experienced mine via the chubsters I've dated. The one I'll share happened to my soon-to-be ex-husband. His mother's side of the family is Spanish. First time we visited Spain together they hadn't seen him since he was 15 and rail thin. They don't hold back over there. The second we entered the house to meet his extended family, his great aunt rubbed his belly and yelled, "Que gordo!" I burst out laughing, put my arm around him and squeezed his love handle while he turned beet red. Best day of my life. 😂
6 years

Talk about friends reactions to seeing you gained alot of weight in such a short time go into de

I've recently put on 26 pounds in the past five months, and over 50 since September and it's been lovely. There haven't been a lot of comments (I'm a bit of a shut in anyways so) but my bestie knows I'm gaining and she's made little comments here and there about how she has no idea how I eat so much and when I tell her funny feedism stories she giggles.

But I went to see my psychiatrist today and she's extremely against fat and weight gain (which that certainly doesn't bother me, but she has engaged in malpractice with me multiple times and I'm seeking a new doctor anyways). She scolded me for such a rapid weight gain and start quizzing me on "where that belly and all this weight" came from, if I "even do anything", and being upset that medications that suppress appetite don't work on me. She was very rude, but she had no idea how her scolding was making me blush! I went out for a nice stuffing and brought lots of nice treats home to celebrate the gain and joke about her scolding. ^-^

Please get away from that psychiatrist NOW. If you need someone to keep prescribing your meds while you look for a new psychiatrist, talk to your GP and explain what's going on. Usually they can do maintenance.
6 years

Talk about friends reactions to seeing you gained alot of weight in such a short time go into de


. She was very rude, but she had no idea how her scolding was making me blush! I went out for a nice stuffing and brought lots of nice treats home to celebrate the gain and joke about her scolding. ^-^

So, what you mean is what she tried to do (make you see you weight gain wasn't a good thing and you have to control your appetite) had the complete opposite effect on you? lol
6 years

Talk about friends reactions to seeing you gained alot of weight in such a short time go into de

Good for YOU!!
6 years

Talk about friends reactions to seeing you gained alot of weight in such a short time go into de

Funny thing happened recently with my wife. I had a TIGHT pair of shorts that I was struggling to wear, I had gotten rid of all my "big" clothes and I am definitely staining what pants and shirts I have. After an afternoon and evening where we were stuffing ourselves with ice cream pizza etc. I came home sat down and my button exploded. My wife said oh my god was that your button? then yesterday morning she exclaimed what a big belly I was getting and need to do something since she was going to eat sensibly. Funny thing that night she made me 3 grilled cheese sandwiches for dinner and this morning as I struggled with another pair of way too small 44's with a 60-inch gut. She made a comment of how women like men with a little gut..... Then invited me to have lunch out with her..... confusing. Since she makes comments on my big belly and srinking clothes. But then takes me out to all you can eat and pizza and all the food I want.

Lucky you, sounds like you have yourself a potential closet feeder.
6 years

Talk about friends reactions to seeing you gained alot of weight in such a short time go into de

I reconnected with a friend I hadn’t spoken to in about two years or so. We met up at a Starbucks and I have never seen such a jaw drop. The last time I saw her I was 125 pounds and fit. Now I was 200 pounds and haven’t worked out in over a year. Itold her she looked great and she smiled and said “ thanks and you... yea you”. I have since explained to her my intention is to gain and she has been a wonderful and accepting friend. It must’ve definitely been a shock to her. My family however has been less than accepting. My fridge was fully stocked with vegetables and all my food was thrown out. My mother being so upset about my weight gain raided my things and found Serious Mass weight gainer. That was the end of that. (More than half of my VERY EXPENSIVE weight gainer flushed down the Toilet). It didn’t go too well and my mother was absolutely disgusted. It has definitely changed our relationship.
6 years

Talk about friends reactions to seeing you gained alot of weight in such a short time go into de

If family and friends are generally confident in their own shape, it tends to be a non-issue. My own mother makes comments about my belly from time to time, but it's no big deal. I'm just a ball belly and macaroni arms smiley My wife has been mostly overweight since puberty many years ago, so it's kinda just accepted.
6 years

Talk about friends reactions to seeing you gained alot of weight in such a short time go into de

Had a neighborhood block party last night. My wife gained so much this summer that an Indian mother in the PTO who helped organize our kid's June graduation event with my wife didn't recognize her last night.

Not only that, she actually straight up said "Who? Oh...I didn't even recognize you. Wow, you've gained a lot of weight."

3 months, 50lbs

My wife was embarrassed but it's more of a cultural thing. The Indian woman is almost 100lbs heavier than her and always tend to say insensitive things at their get-togethers because they don't place nearly as much significance on appearance as American women do; ie. don't wear makeup, style their hair and are generally all overweight.
6 years
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