Submission and domination

I want to be fatshamed

On this thread, per message, or comment under your pictures? I already sent you a mp, but but then I thought it may not be the way you want it.
6 years

I want to be fatshamed

Something first (concerning your message): you must be sure that you want to gain weight before you do it. In my case, I always wanted to be fat, even if I was very skinny until I was 22. I just ate what my parents, very conservative Protestants who were also fundamentalists of the healthy way of life, gave me. But I was sexually a gainer. Then, I didn’t know that it was possible for me to gain weight, I discovered it in January 2004. My weight was 58 kg for 1m75 (now it is 127 kg). Did you already want to get fat in the past, or is that new?

Tip: I noticed that people on bodybuiling forums, members don’t like fat people. Male members work a lot for their body, and then they notice that it difficult for them to find a girlfriend. After that, they see with rage that many fat people, especially fat women, are actually often dated. One day, I saw a thread where they were horrified about what fat women of reddit told about their sex and dating lives: generally it was very easy for them to find a boyfriend and/or to have sex, many men were interested to them. Members of the bodybuilding forum wrote things like: “But which losers give these whales interest?” If you go to such a forum and ask the members if they find that your body is already ok, I guess that the members won’t be as nice as on Fantasyfeeder ;-) .

I encourage you to wear sexy clothes in public (maybe not yet, wait about two years). The bigger you are, the stronger reactions you get, both positive and negative. Fat admirers find big women in revealing clothes very hot, but most people find them disgusting, and some of them can be very cruel (that is why maybe you should wait about two years, when you are older you can better manage it.) In June 2016, in Munich during the last weeks before I left Germany, I knew such a woman. She wore for example a crop top and one could see 10 cm of her belly, and/or one could see her whole back. She complained that people she didn’t know were mean to her. For example, one day in the subway, a boy made “No” with his head. Another time, a woman said to her: “Can you hide all this fat? I am getting sick!” She pretended she didn’t know why people reacted on this way (for the cases it was not obvious that it had to do with her weight and her clothes). I thought that she probably loved it to be teased for her weight, because if she didn’t like it, she just had to wear no revealing clothes. But day after day, I knew her more, and amazingly it was nearly a certainty that it was not the case…
6 years

I want to be fatshamed

[mode fat humiliation on]I used to be the most attractive guy who was the dream of all girls, but time passed and I couldn’t stop eating as much as when I was 20. As a consequence, I am now horribly fat and all women run away from me. My only comfort is food. That is why today I hate beautiful women, and I am totally delighted each time a woman loses her beauty. Now Bandanasarah, you belong to the club. You can blame nobody, YOU have done it to yourself. I now that it is nearly impossible to give up eating all what you want: I know that, I can’t either. But other people have will and they manage it. It is a long time since people of the opposite sex aren’t attracted to me, but for you it will be new.

Before, when you were still hot, many boys dreamt of you and your awesome narrow waistline made them crazy. Now that you have mutilated yourself through gluttony, laziness and indiscipline, the ones who are interested in seeing your body are people on a diet who have pictures of fat people on their fridge in order to stop them when they want to take food from it. When they will see you, they will be motivated not to open the fridge because they don’t want to become like you, and the sight of your fat rolls will cut their appetite. It is too bad you did it before summer, you could have been the beauty queen of the beach. Instead, the sight of your fat rolls nearly as big as your boobs, your orange skin on your legs, will just make the stomach of the people turn. Be sure you wear long enough shirts in the street, in order people not to see your belly hanging out, which is a horrible turn off. Generally, you can forget boys, or maybe you can have luck for a night, because as long as they are drunk, they don’t notice your fat.[/mode fat humiliation off]
6 years