Fat experiences

First time waddling?

I think that it was after I crossed the 300 pound mark but before 350 pounds I realised that I had adapted to my growing thighs, which rubbed together more and more, by walking more side to side than directly forward. So, yes, that's when I knew I had developed a waddle. As I have gained more weight I know I waddle more.
6 years

First time waddling?

The little man waddles more every day. As he's become more settled into his weight it's harder for him to walk at his previous pace.
I used to have to run to catch him, but we were horsing around a few days ago and he couldn't break into a run - he couldn't even break into a fast walk without getting out of breath. I basically just walked behind him, choosing my moment to catch him
How I enjoyed teasing him about this. "You're far too fat for these games now".
6 years

First time waddling?

I clearly remember the first time I noticed myself waddling. It was a couple years ago, so maybe in the late 200s as far as pounds go. A much thinner friend and I were going to the mall. As we approached those shiny reflective glass doors, I was shocked. Not only was I an enormous blimp compared to my slim friend, I was waddling! Just slightly, but it was clear to my eyes that I was starting to develop the gait of true obesity.

Two years on, my waddle has progressed a bit further. I can still move at a decent clip if I need to, but I can't keep it up nearly as long as I could before I started gaining.
6 years