Extreme obesity

Immobility just a few questions.

haha thank you donna, who cares what she thinks or anyone thinks i dont think anyone will ever understand y u want it. but dont worry i say go for it if u really want it. u have my support. i would love to see u that big
14 years

Immobility just a few questions.

You have my support!

Yeah! Let's encourage other people to eat themselves to death!

Wtf is wrong with you people?

If you cant be happy unless your immobile, fine, but no one should be encouraging someone to be that unhealthy.

If your fetish was being addicted to heroin no one here would be encouraging anyone to start sticking themselves - BECAUSE - it doesn’t get any of you sick-o's off. And it is a fair comparison, both will kill you slowly. The media certainly exaggerates the unhealthiness associated with weight but immobility is not healthy, period.

Orange tans are hotter than emo kids with prissy hair cuts.
14 years

Immobility just a few questions.

How about the people who don't like the thought of immobility just leave this thread and go back to where they like it most? (Which means me too, lol)
14 years

Immobility just a few questions.

justanotherfa wrote
MeshuggaH wrote
You have my support!

Yeah! Let's encourage other people to eat themselves to death!

Wtf is wrong with you people?

If you cant be happy unless your immobile, fine, but no one should be encouraging someone to be that unhealthy.

If your fetish was being addicted to heroin no one here would be encouraging anyone to start sticking themselves - BECAUSE - it doesn’t get any of you sick-o's off. And it is a fair comparison, both will kill you slowly. The media certainly exaggerates the unhealthiness associated with weight but immobility is not healthy, period.

Orange tans are hotter than emo kids with prissy hair cuts.

Wft is wrong with YOU that you feel compelled to post on a thread you obviously have no interest in, about a topic that obviously puts you off? Why are you even reading a thread about something that repulses you? This is one of the few sites on the whole damn net where feeders & feedees can come without the fear of being crucified, until some self-righteous, mean-spirited, arrogant, judgemental people piss all over them. Nobody's tieing you down & force feeding you into immobility, so what difference does it make to you whether other people have that FANTASY. . .or even desire it in reality? You're making assumptions about motives & mental states (& health impacts) that you have absolutely no knowledge of. Nobody's insisting you approve of it, but why not keep your negative opinions to yourself? Didn't your mother ever tell you, "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all"? IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU IF YOU'RE NOT INTO IT, SO LEAVE THOSE WHO *ARE* INTERESTED IN IT ALONE.

i agree

i like how a thread no one would touch before got blown out of proportion, it was posted a long time ago and i dont care what some chick has to say about anything it dosent matter. cause u will be gone in like a week chicks like u never stick around. someone will notice u put on 10 lbs and then u will get all self concious like any other fake chick and go on a diet like anyone else who cant take being different or even original.
14 years

Immobility just a few questions.

You immobility people shout, scream, and rage whenever anyone says; hey...this could KILL YOU.

God forbid you people had to enter reality and hear the truth.

For the other stupid comments you all seam to be making, NO ONE said immobility is disgusting NO ONE. Soon as someone says "I dont like immobility: you all freak out and put words in our mouths, *** and learn to read.


If I don’t want to see people die over a fantasy I'm going to say something, and if you want to take that negatively, go ahead.

It is not right to encourage people to do things that adversely affect their health and/or well being. If this is what they want to do, FINE, but don't tell them they should "follow their hearts".
14 years

Immobility just a few questions.

Hi everyone, i have been a fa in the uk for many years. immobility is a very sensative subject, but any human being that lives outside societys [normal boundries] is open for abuse i.e obese, tattooed, pierced, dread locked, or anyone who stands out from the crowd unfortunatly will never be understood. If a person chooses immobility i believe its the individuals own choice but should be fully aware of the consequences of what this life style will and could lead to before entering into a lifestyle where they will be dependant on another human being for there love care and well being. Most of all the trust of a parner or family to provide the care and love required 24/7 . Most ssbbws immobility starts with knee, hip, or back problems where it is uncomfortable,or painful to undertake everyday activities and thus becomes easier to keep movenent and physical activity to a minimum. At this point immobility is very near and only 1 of 2 choices are available 1 is a drastic change of lifestyle diet or surgery 2 to carry on with the lifestyle and become immobile. For me its about adult choices, adding up the risks involved and living the life you choose. I would be more than happy to care for a partner who found herself immobile provided she was fully aware of what immobility means. This is only a personal view and not meant to offend or hurt anyone.
14 years

Immobility just a few questions.

1 year
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