Fat experiences

How much did you gain before it started impacting your day-to-day life?

I've never been in shape but after 15 gain a flight of stairs def winded me
4 years

How much did you gain before it started impacting your day-to-day life?

For me around 350lbs. I've been big my whole life and pretty athletic but when I started to really gain, I didn't notice to much of a difference until then. That's when my range of motion started to change and my stamina went to shit. It's also when I started sweating uncontrollably, but I've learned to manage that a bit since then.
3 years

How much did you gain before it started impacting your day-to-day life?

I gained 30 lbs in quarantine without noticing or trying and now putting socks on is a pain in the ass! Also getting off the sofa and out of bed is much more difficult. It was only a little difficult before but with the added weight I really struggle. Today I went to push down the recliner but my shirt rode up and waistband fell below my gut so that my whole belly was exposed. I grunted pushing myself out of the chair and my Mom noticed and shook her head and said “you’ve really put on weight. None of your clothes fit.” Hehe little does she know I want to gain another 20 lbs

first off congrats on the easy peasy 30 pound gain. It is interesting how being larger manifests itself. I recall at about 210, I am tall so not that huge, putting on my socks got a lot harder lol. also like you getting up from a chair or recline position became a lot more effort. got winded really fast ect. It is a totally fascinating transformation isn't it
3 years

How much did you gain before it started impacting your day-to-day life?

I gained 30 lbs in quarantine without noticing or trying and now putting socks on is a pain in the ass! Also getting off the sofa and out of bed is much more difficult. It was only a little difficult before but with the added weight I really struggle. Today I went to push down the recliner but my shirt rode up and waistband fell below my gut so that my whole belly was exposed. I grunted pushing myself out of the chair and my Mom noticed and shook her head and said “you’ve really put on weight. None of your clothes fit.” Hehe little does she know I want to gain another 20 lbs

Hehe, have you managed to gain some weight?
3 years

How much did you gain before it started impacting your day-to-day life?

I've put on 28 pounds during quarentine. I went from 190, to 222 in 3 months. I really noticed a difference when my center of gravity shifted to my belly.
3 years

How much did you gain before it started impacting your day-to-day life?

For me around 350lbs... is when I started sweating uncontrollably, but I've learned to manage that a bit since then.

Help! I’m 5-10lbs away from 350 and will happily take any tips you’ve got if there’s even a chance they’ll help dry me off! 😅
3 years

How much did you gain before it started impacting your day-to-day life?

I did notice something at around 270 pounds.

For reference, I used to be very athletic prior to deciding to gain. I used to be able to jump up four steps at a time on stairs.

I avoided exercise to help me gain weight more quickly. The interesting thing I noticed at 270 pounds is that I can't jump anymore. I was walking and tried to jump over a puddle. To my astonishment, not only did I not really gain any vertical height in my attempt, but I didn't get that far, either.

Instead of jumping over the puddle, my foot landed right in the middle of it. I was speechless and, after making some more attempts, it really hit me that I can't physically jump anymore. I just don't have the physical strength to overcome my body weight.

With this in mind, I also tried running and...nope. I can't do that, either. If I try to run, I don't have enough physical strength to push off the ground. My body just won't go anywhere vertically, and I end up speed walking instead. My belly jiggled violently and I also got incredibly out of breath just attempting this.

In the end I was left red-faced, breathless, and incredibly turned on. For some reason, I find my physical imitation/vulnerability to be very arousing.
3 years