Fat experiences

When do women start getting fat?

I agree I would rather stay fat than be skinny.

Way to be! :-)
3 years

When do women start getting fat?

I was always slightly plump as a kid but puberty kicked the weight gain up a notch. My weight was unintentionally creeping up over time and was only when I became incredibly sedentary in my work that I really started noticing it. Ultimately, I think getting bigger can be avoided if you commit to strictly controlling what you eat and exercise frequently. These are things that I’ve never felt inclined to commit myself to and am more than happy to embrace the consequences 😊
3 years

When do women start getting fat?

My wife was still pretty thin when we met, when she was 19. Over the next six years she steadily gained, totaling about 90 pounds. So she would be the example of someone gaining after high school I guess. But then again, she was dating an FA, who knows what would have happened otherwise.
3 years

When do women start getting fat?

It starts in college. That’s the first wave. Then again at like 30. Again when people start to have kids.
3 years

When do women start getting fat?

Every pregnancy is different. My wife was skinnier after our first child. But holy smokes, the 2nd. She had it mentally in her mind that this would be our last kid and needed to "enjoy" the pregnancy. She piled on 75lbs in the first few months.

And that was the snowball that just kept going. As long as you have an excuse for being fat, most girls go with it and adopt it. "I'm just a bigger girl now".

We have friends talking about their "baby weight" even though it's been 10 years and they've added 150lbs since their pregnancy.
3 years

When do women start getting fat?

For me, it happened after I settled into married life and discovered that my 20lb weight gain turned on both my husband and I.
3 years

When do women start getting fat?

After a pregnancy, in my wife’s case. Gained over a hundred for her first child. Just had our first one together and she’s as sexy as ever, at 5-2 and roughly 305 😊 Her first child is 21 now and has gained a ton of weight just since high school. Keeping up the fat girl tradition smiley
3 years

When do women start getting fat?

When do women get fat?
Well for me I was fat 90% Of my life. Merely overweight the other 10%. Growing up fat until my teens. Ran and played ball all the time but loved my food. Thinned down to have a rockin body but still overweight 5’7” 150. Gained in college so I was 200 in my soph year. Got married and gained 60 when I got pregnant. Lost 40 then only gained 10 with the next. At 25 I was around 230. Blossomed to 255 at 32. Dropped 100 and gained it back over 15 years. Leveled out there for years Covid added the final touch now to make this work of art at 285
3 years

When do women start getting fat?

More importantly than "when" women get fat is that society is accepting obesity like never before. Now that Covid-19 has changed many people's lives, they have become more lazy and sedentary, working from home, having food delivered, and it shows when they go out!
3 years

When do women start getting fat?

More importantly than "when" women get fat is that society is accepting obesity like never before. Now that Covid-19 has changed many people's lives, they have become more lazy and sedentary, working from home, having food delivered, and it shows when they go out!

If only that were true where I am from. Fat stigma here is still a daily occurence. The USA has so much more to offer when it comes to fat acceptance.

I have never been to the Netherlands, but have noticed in my travels to other parts of Europe, the only fat women seemed to be the tourists. Eating habits and culture are totally are different in the EU vs. the US. Also food is taxed more heavily in Europe, making it more costly.

If you came to America, you would be amazed how abundant and inexpensive food is, and probably would gain more weight than you wanted to. Plus the Euro is strong compared to the dollar, so you would absolutely be amazed how much food your money can buy.

American women can be fat nowadays with much better acceptance than ever before. Bullying is out of vogue, tolerance and acceptance is in, especially with Millennials and Generation Z.
3 years
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