Submission and domination

Pavlovian response

The idea of being classically conditioned to associate food with sexual pleasure is something I’ve seen discussed here as a fantasy, but has anyone acted on it successfully and either been conditioned or conditioned someone else? If so, how did you do it, and what were the effects like?

Alternately, do you think it would be possible to do such a thing to oneself?
3 years

Pavlovian response

Well, when I drank I always associated smoking with drinking. Quit cigarettes numerous times but was always derailed because the two were so strongly linked in my brain; soon as I had a few I’d pop to the shop and buy a pack, smoke the whole thing in a night, and I’d be back to two packs a day in less than a week. Finally, the final time I gave up smoking I also gave up drinking and it’s stuck. 4 years and some months. No more drunk me fucking up my plans.

So, basically yeah. You can condition yourself to associate one behavior with another. For me it was unwittingly so I’m sure if you were out to condition yourself on purpose you’d have some success.
3 years

Pavlovian response

Definitely possible. You can tie sexual arousal to almost anything. Most effective method I've used has a few components. Sexual stimulation only when engaging in behavior to be tied with it. Conversely stimulate always when engaging in the behavior. Sexual release is controlled and rare making the individual highly aroused. Release associated only with significant or extreme performance of conditioned behavior.
3 years