Extreme obesity

Is anyone here serious about going for the extremes?

Best I can say is to be your own best feeder/enabler as you'll spend more time eating and preparing vs waiting on someone who hopefully is skilled enough to help you progress. There are some poor/mediocre skilled feeders out there.
3 years

Is anyone here serious about going for the extremes?

it would be very good for me to weigh about 600lbs and maybe a little more.
3 years

Is anyone here serious about going for the extremes?

I’d love to be forced to weigh 800LB only for my feeder to ditch me and make me figure out life in my new body.
3 years

Is anyone here serious about going for the extremes?

I’d love to be forced to weigh 800LB only for my feeder to ditch me and make me figure out life in my new body.
that's a fantasy for the most here.
3 years

Is anyone here serious about going for the extremes?

Sort of. I've got to be realistic about my responsibilities and life, but otherwise my goal would be ∞. Hopefully I find a nice guy who wants to help with that someday.
2 years

Is anyone here serious about going for the extremes?

I’m very intrigued into the idea of going the extreme. Now I’m approaching 260 slowly but surely and with each passing day can’t wait to see if I can make 300 I hope by end of the year. I hope soon the weight increases on a faster basis then maybe I can hit possibly being immobile. I can’t see it getting that far at my current rate. Time will tell.
2 years

Is anyone here serious about going for the extremes?

If it happens it happens I'm sure my boyfriend will help me get out of bed if I get too fat xx
2 years

Is anyone here serious about going for the extremes?

To be honest I kind of struggle to distinguish between what is extreme and what isn't, because my basic goals and desires are usually based on being restrictively fat. So for me the bare minimum counts as some people's "extreme".
It's also kind of hard for me to surpress desires when it comes to gaining so I don't know if I'd really know for sure if I've ever gone too far, or at least even be aware of it, you know?
2 years

Is anyone here serious about going for the extremes?

With a feeder gf my biggest dream would be to get too fat to walk and eventually have my heart give out because I got so massive.
2 years

Is anyone here serious about going for the extremes?

Yes I sure am
2 years
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