Fat experiences

So *that's* where the weight came from...

Thank you Burger King cashier who put the 3 sets of utensils in my bag with my three orders of pancakes the other day. I now have two extra, unopened sets...

I wasn't sure about finishing all 9, but at almost $3/3, I did. Probably could have had 3 more.

They've been trying to save me a spot closer to work. They've been bringing me a piece of pizza or cookies occasionally at lunch.
Why don't you take the last two donuts home?
Maybe that's partially where the extra 10 pounds came from...

On Friday I was given 2 pieces of pie, 2 cookies, and a brownie. Saturday, I was given 5.5 donuts.

3.5 donuts, a piece of pizza, and 5 cookies this week

slice of pizza and 4 cookies

I think the girl at Cicis looked over my way and smiled briefly. The pepperoni pizza was continually restocked with no wait time.
Not sure if my belly was sticking out when I paid at the next store, but the girl at the counter cheerfully told me about the toy drive and coupons, then added that there would be food trucks at the event.
“Someone needs to take that coconut cream pie”, she said.

“I don't want it”, one said.

“We don't like coconut”, another replied.

“I don't like coconut”, someone else said.

“I'll take a piece of it”, I said.

“You get to take the whole thing then...”, she replied to me.

Sunday: "Your belly is sticking out of your shirt." (The bottom button sits at belly button level and tends to show skin.)

Tuesday: "You can have the big piece of pie."

Was given 7 donuts and 2 sandwiches over the last 2 weeks.

2 crispy chicken and 1 fish from Burger King should have been a complete meal, not the appetizer...

"The four donuts and 8 cupcakes in there are for you", she said.

"You should take those last two donuts home with you...", she said.

"You can have the other half of that blueberry muffin", she said. (250 cal) "Why don't you take that banana muffin with you?" (550 cal)

"Why don't you take these 6 small bags of chips, the blueberry donut, and this box of peanut butter bars with you?"

Up 4.8lbs from Monday of last week...

Up 6.2 lbs since 3/23/20...

Oh, you said *flatten* the curve... I guess I didn't hear the *L*...

Her: “Eat the rest of that pasta salad. If I keep it here, I'll end up eating it.”
Her: “Do you want this other cheeseburger?”
Her: “Do you want some of this pistachio cake to take home?”
Me: “Let me try it first.”
Her: “So, what do you think about the cake?”
Me: “Yes.”

Left with 4 pieces in a container and a 6x6 piece of another cake.

Halloween 2019: (talks self out of buying fake belly costume to see how I look) "Maybe I'll buy one next year..."

September 2020: (relaxes abdominal muscles) "Guess I saved $25 and a trip to the Halloween store..."

A piece of pizza and cookie turned into 2 pieces of pizza and a piece of pie last week.

That turned into 2 pieces of pizza, a piece of cake, 2 pumpkin squares with icing, and 2 cookies today.

I used to eat a little, but a little wouldn't do,
So a little got more and more

Today brought 2 pieces of pizza, 2 four ounce ice cream cups, 2 peanut butter cookies, and a piece of cake, in addition to my bowl of rice for lunch.

In addition to my regularly scheduled lunch, I was given a piece of pizza, medium fries, 2 four ounce ice cream cups, 2 desert squares, and a piece of cherry pie.

"Do you want any donuts to take home?", she asked.

244.6 Wednesday morning. 248.4 Wednesday evening. Highest weight so far.

Her: Do you want to keep these pumpkin cookies to eat or take them to work?

Me: How many are there?

Her: About 30... Maybe you could take a few of them to work.

Her: Do you want a cookie?
Me: Yes, I'm almost starting to growl.
Her: Actually, you can have the rest of them... They are still fresh. (Handing me about half of a family size Chips Ahoy package)


Washed and dried the XL t-shirt made of DryBlend material that was given to us at work.

*Looks in mirror after getting it on*

"Yeah, that probably shouldn't happen..."

"If I were female, I guess this is what I would look like at 7-8 months along..."

"Oh, look... If I raise my arms up, the shirt rides up to my belly button and stays up..."

Haven't seen this person for a few months

Her: "You look nice, have you lost weight?"

To myself: No, I'm actually up 10 pounds...

*coming back from lunch*

"Did you get your belly full?"

"Not really..."

"No? Sounds like you need to bring bigger lunch..."


"I put some of the pumpkin cookies in the freezer,
3 years

So *that's* where the weight came from...

Me: "Could I get some fries?"
Her: "Sure..."
(puts two scoops in takeout container)
Her: "Would you like anything else?"
Me: (looks at food case while holding 2 takeout containers) "I guess that will be all..."

I remember the days when 2 fish sandwiches was impossible. I managed one time to do two with the help of prednisone. I tried two today and probably could have had two more...

Down 5 pounds over the Thanksgiving holiday...

Guess I never paid much attention to my belly sticking out, until I saw it sticking out in a picture someone took...

I thought I lost 5 pounds over the holiday. They were just misplaced, I found them...
3 years

So *that's* where the weight came from...

said to me: “I'll take these two pieces of cheesecake home, and you can have the other three pieces...”

“Do you want a big piece or little piece of cake?

“I don't know”

“How about this lump right here?” (pointing to a section of the bundt cake that was about half an inch taller than the rest)

(Ended up with 2 sections of the cake and 3 decent sized scoops of ice cream.)

I didn't even think about holiday cookies...

Accumulating these 14 snack pies and 6 boxes of snack cakes probably wasn't a great idea...

I guess I know why classic fit shirts were at that were left on the clearance rack...
3 years

So *that's* where the weight came from...


A relative decided to bake cookies for the first time in several years – ended up with a dozen of them.

For Christmas, from another relative, I received a shirt box full of 20 cookies and 36 small fudge squares, for the first time I can remember. This relative has commented favorably in the past after noticing my weight going up.

Christmas dinner consisted of 4 biscuits with no gravy, a Belgian waffle, 4 chunks of ham, 3 cake balls, and fruit salad.

Ended up with ¾ of a 9” cheesecake to take home and another dozen cookies.

I've probably eaten ¾ of a carton of ice cream over the last few days.

I've never been one who was good at guessing someone's motivation for doing something, but is it me or do people seem to be enabling weight gain? If not enabling, then at least not hindering...
3 years

So *that's* where the weight came from...

Not much new. Ended up with some cookies to take to work. Guess I'll have to finish off the rest of this stuff so it doesn't go bad.

“I guess I could have just got the one chicken...”, she said.
(Maybe I should have had some more...)

Starting the new year at 242.4.
3 years

So *that's* where the weight came from...

*Unf* I want this to happen to me, hard.

Keep on accepting the gifts and keep that belly growing.
3 years

So *that's* where the weight came from...


Sadly, the small snack pies went bad.

putting two spoonfuls of pudding in a bowl

“Do you want more pudding?”

“Yes... Another spoonful.”

That was a lot of pudding on top of two hot dogs, 2/3 of a large plate of tater tots, and some beans.

243 in the morning – 247.6 in the evening. 245.8 the next morning.


I don't have to worry about the boxes of snack cakes going past their Best by date.
3 years

So *that's* where the weight came from...

You're my hero!
3 years

So *that's* where the weight came from...


I had my regular lunch, and was given a Burger King chicken sandwich today. The chicken was supposed to be fish, but they got it wrong. I had 2 Burger King fish sandwiches later, and then a waffle.

I remember 15 years ago, how much I didn't want to go over 200 pounds...

I think the most I've ever eaten was 5.4lbs over the course of a day.
3 years

So *that's* where the weight came from...

4 July 2019
arrives at picnic
"Looks like you wore a loose shirt, now you can eat up..."

11 July 2020

"There's another pork chop in there..."

"Actually there's two."

I'd had two, and ended up eating those two the next day.


Received a box of chocolates for Christmas.



“Do you want to get yours or do you want me to get it?” (referring to pie)

I walked over as the pie is cut. It is about 4 inches wide and 2-3 inches tall.

“Do you want a smaller piece to try?”

“No.”, as the piece is put in a bowl with a scoop of ice cream on it. I went back for a piece of cake and a bit of orange ice cream.


Ended up with a small to go container of chicken.

“Do you want a piece of apple pie to take home?”


When I went back in, there was a small to go container with apple pie visible around the edges with the lid closed. Anymore and the lid wouldn't have closed.

One piece remained.

“I'm not going to be able to get rid of this, am I?”, she said as I stood there.

I held out my hand for it.

“Do you want some of this cake?”


“Big container or small container?”

“Better make it a big container for two pieces. He'll eat it.”

So, I ended up with two pieces of cake.
3 years
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