
Growing man tits

Mine seem to grow in spurts, no clue what triggers those, but they're here, they're big and I love em!
3 years

Growing man tits

Mine seem to grow in spurts, no clue what triggers those, but they're here, they're big and I love em!

Just checked out your pics. So jealous. I wish I could look like you. What an amazing belly and awesome moobs...

Just keep eating, when knows how big you end up!
3 years

Growing man tits

I am early in this new gaining phase I'm on (up only 15 lbs so far of a hoped-for 60), but I am really hoping for moobs. I am also on a couple of medications (not BC pills!) which have moobs (gynecomastia)as a potential side-effect, so fingies crossed!

What sort of meds?

3 years
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