Fat experiences

When did it hit that you're fat.

Getting out of breath going up stairs and also sweating at the slightest amount of heat.
3 years

When did it hit that you're fat.

Some of the things that have made me realize I'm fat:

Things like walking a single floor up the stairs gets me out of breath
Belly getting in the way of things like putting on
socks, shoes or pants, or me even having to stop
to catch my breath partway through.
3 years

When did it hit that you're fat.

It really hit my wife the first couple times someone didn't recognize her at first glance.
3 years

When did it hit that you're fat.

I had always been an athlete so I had always had that experience and vantage point so I had fat milestones occur and I never paid them any mond because I still saw myself as the athlete. But, it wasn't until I had gone to Walmart and saw folks looking at something on me and I saw myself in the mirror that my gut had hung lower than my shirt and that was when I realized that not only am I fat; I am just past obese.
3 years

When did it hit that you're fat.

My gain was gradual and deliberate so it’s really hard to say, but I think I have to say when I passed 235 lbs. I had been up to 230 in the past (I lost it) but never thought of myself as fat, because it wasn’t a deliberate gain then. Also, after I started deliberately gaining I saw a couple of side view pictures of my gut protruding. I thought “yeah, I’m fat”, and liked it.
3 years

When did it hit that you're fat.

My gain was gradual and deliberate so it’s really hard to say, but I think I have to say when I passed 235 lbs. I had been up to 230 in the past (I lost it) but never thought of myself as fat, because it wasn’t a deliberate gain then. Also, after I started deliberately gaining I saw a couple of side view pictures of my gut protruding. I thought “yeah, I’m fat”, and liked it.

Yeah, you get it bro. By the time we actual notice how fat we are; we are damn near too far gone to ever lose it. Lol.
3 years

When did it hit that you're fat.

When people who have not seen me in a while respond with a “ whoa!” Or “wow!”
3 years
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