Lifestyle tips

Best food to fatten me up?

Hello, I want to make my gains faster, what's best food to gain fat? preferably subcutaneous.
3 years

Best food to fatten me up?

Do you want to raise the number or feel heavier and fatter?
To raise the number, probably eat things that are high calorie and full of other foods like a burger or taco.

However, something I’m very excited to do, is a cake shake. Mix together cake mix and milk and make a thick fatty cake shake that will leave you full to the brim and stuffed throughout the day, constantly expanding your belly and keeping it full.
Might wanna research this one more
3 years

Best food to fatten me up?

Do you want to raise the number or feel heavier and fatter?
To raise the number, probably eat things that are high calorie and full of other foods like a burger or taco.

However, something I’m very excited to do, is a cake shake. Mix together cake mix and milk and make a thick fatty cake shake that will leave you full to the brim and stuffed throughout the day, constantly expanding your belly and keeping it full.
Might wanna research this one more

Nice tip, I think I'll try it! And yes I wanna be fatter and in bigger size smiley
3 years

Best food to fatten me up?

A whole box of kraft Mac n cheese before bed every night. Has almost 1000 calories. Make a protein shake with 1 high calorie boost fill the rest up with chocolate milk and a scoop of protein powder. Then drink a mountain dew or 2. This has me sticking out more and getting wider day by day. The shakes probably another 1000 calories about. But all of this at the same time causes a huge insulin dump which turns most of it into fat and almost always puts you to sleep within an hour if your sitting or laying down.

Thats just onto of everything you eat for the rest of the day. Days you don't work do this 2-3 times increasing your capacity over time. Reason being is if I do this before work it makes it difficult to function 100%

Its super affordable unlike fast food daily. And you end up more and more hungry with a larger capacity the more you continue this.
3 years

Best food to fatten me up?

Hello, I want to make my gains faster, what's best food to gain fat? preferably subcutaneous.

Potato's, Rice, Noodles, Eggs, spaghetti

Anything high protein is high calorie and so are complex carbs it's what Sumo wrestlers eat xx
2 years