Lifestyle tips

How much heavy cream in a row?

Assuming I can get one 500ml carton of heavy cream daily, how many days in a row do I have to drink for it to have a substantial effect?
2 years

How much heavy cream in a row?

I'm just starting on gaining recently, and right away I incorporated heavy cream. Love it and what it does for me! But my experience is you have to ease into it or digestive upset will result, which takes away the fun. I gradually worked up from 3 oz per day to about 9-12 oz per day, over a month. And I read you should take a week break after 3-4 weeks with it, then resume. [Note 500 ml is about equal to 16 oz.]

I started noticing very soft silky fat filling in my angular or too lean places after 2 weeks with it. After 5 weeks total time on it (excluding a break week), I see and feel fat pockets and a layer of soft fat broadening me a little, enough to notice and start to feel the heaviness. It seems to work pretty soon.
2 years

How much heavy cream in a row?

@plumpbeloytocurvy, do you do anything for the taste? I’m fine with the texture but the taste is weird to me since it’s not sweet like half and half.
2 years

How much heavy cream in a row?

@plumpbeloytocurvy, do you do anything for the taste? I’m fine with the texture but the taste is weird to me since it’s not sweet like half and half.

While I prefer to just drink it straight and enjoy it that way. I have heard many who mix it with chocolate syrup or similiar.
2 years