Lifestyle tips

Lesbian needs advice for telling girlfriend

So I have a feeling that my partner may want to talk about kinks and fetishes soon, and I’m pretty nervous. She’s told me that she would like me at any weight, but it wasn’t in a feedee context, just accidental weight gain. It feels different than telling her that I purposely want to fatten myself up to become a BBW, and I’m afraid of judgement, but I also want to be open with her. Do any other lesbians have any advice for me?
2 years

Lesbian needs advice for telling girlfriend

I'm not a lesbian, but I am trans. It's scary af because of how much negativity can surround feederism. My partner took it alright. I started off the same way for asking if they would still love me if I gained weight then I, much later, mentioned that I wanted to gain weight on purpose. Phrased like that. Like, without saying the actual kink until I had explained helped. Like, for me specifically, I was just like "I've always had a problem with weight, and I now am in a place where gaining a lot appeals to me. Then I realized after doing so that it was more than just the wg. I liked getting fatter and feeling softer. Especially knowing that you (my partner) have so much more of me." Kinda stuff. Then I came out with "found out what that was called oof." Breaking any kink stuff that isn't specifically, like, bdsm feels so dirty sometimes XD
I wish you luck though!!!! I hope this helps!!!
2 years

Lesbian needs advice for telling girlfriend

Thanks, this does help a bit. And I’m actually trans too. Even though my partner does seem to be very kink friendly, and even if I already knew ahead of time that she would accept it, it still feels really embarrassing to admit that I want to be very fat on purpose, even if I’m nowhere near the extremes of other people on here, and I want to be as healthy as possible doing so. Shame and stigma are very big obstacles for me.
2 years

Lesbian needs advice for telling girlfriend

Honestly, me too on feeling all of that. It's gonna be big anxious time, but I'm so glad that you both are taking time to be very open about your kink stuff to each other. And hey, maybe they wanted to mention that they wanted to see you bigger too in that realm. I've had that happen once with a relationship XD It was that awkward moment of "but we're both broke college students."
2 years

Lesbian needs advice for telling girlfriend

She hasn’t hinted at that, but it would be a very pleasant surprise if that was the case. Also if everything does go right, I am also in the broke college student part of my life, plus I’ve got to hold back on gaining for the rest of my surgeries.
2 years

Lesbian needs advice for telling girlfriend

Hoping everything does go well!!! I can't go whole "hog" yet until my surgeries either...
2 years

Lesbian needs advice for telling girlfriend

Well thank you for everything! It may be annoying that we can’t fatten ourselves yet, at least we’re lucky enough to start out skinny enough to get our surgeries. I feel really bad for trans folks who are denied surgery for their weight.
2 years

Lesbian needs advice for telling girlfriend

Me too... I know I've met a lot of gaining transfolk that turn to wg either due to not being able to transition how they want to or due to medical conditions. It's a lot easier to just get really plump and present how you identify than everything else for some. It's a surprisingly good alternative.
If you ever end up on wg side of Twitter (or follow fat kink artists like I do), there's a really good lgbtqa+ community 🥰 It's really nice
2 years

Lesbian needs advice for telling girlfriend

Oh that actually makes a lot of sense! I could see a trans girls plumping up on purpose to increase their feminine features, and vice versa with trans men. Do you mind sharing some of the twitter handles for these queer fat kink artists please?
2 years

Lesbian needs advice for telling girlfriend

Oh definitely! I'll message them to you if that's okay! I'm not sure about posting them more publicly, but idk??? But yeah!
2 years
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