Extreme obesity


It's one of my major buttons. Part of it is helplessness but part of it is also power -- the idea of someone who needs to be taken care of but who can dispose of anyone who will not do what was instructed is one facet. The hulk who can physically overwhelm anyone inside their limited personal space is another. The unfortunate blob who must accept their fate is another. And now I wonder how someone in that position might negotiate a power struggle...
2 years


For me it’s the ultimate in submission. I want to be immobile, because for me my life would not be much different. But my feeder/enabler must want it to and help me make it real and permanent
2 years


I like the concept (see my profile for explanation) but I am concerned that there are very few people who would do it and (even worse) there are even fewer people who would do it to me. If somebody seriously wants to do this to me I'd be grateful if you could contact me, but I suspect that replies will instead come from people who want role-play or from people who want me to make them to be immobile, and I just can't handle that.
2 years


Destroying my body with fat has been a life long goal, even as a child. At my biggest and starting to really struggle with mobility ( getting stuck on a couch, unable to left myself to stand) experience the detrimental effects of reckless gorging is an ultimate pleasure. While being too fat to lift my gut off the ground is the ultimate desire, I also want to be publicly put on display, a girl too fat to even walk into a buffet but being wheeled in regardless, the trophies of my shamelessness sagging freely to be viewed with shock and disgust. And of course, when I've been fattened to the point that I can't even lift my head, that someone who shares my morbid desire will just continue to make me swell to unrecognizable dimensions, bury my passing doubts with so much food, teasing the parts of my body I'll never reach again...
2 years


I don't like immobility, I don't know if I could bear to live in a bed.
My husband's niece is 27 years old and immobile.
3 years ago he weighed 765 pounds and they can't know his weight but they assume he weighs 900 pounds.
I don't see her happy at all, but her parents don't seem to care. They continue to satisfy their daughter's hunger with junk food.
The sad thing is that she is trapped in her bed and in her room, and they have to break a wall to get her out of the house.
If you have a heart attack, you can't get medical help.
2 years


Some men and women BUT NOT ALL men and women decide in their lives that enough is enough, they say to themselves I don't care anymore, I want to be immobile
2 years


Many have warm feelings until the rubber hits the road. There is a FFA Feeder who would post here about her R/T experiences and tests to see if someone was truly hardcore or just a passing fancy upon release.
If you're truly fated to be this way...
Keep control of the $, credit cards, paperwork in your name and unless you're 100% sure don't sign over Power of Attorney.
When others overwhelmed/reached their limit caring for an immobile person, you're lucky if they just leave. By controlling $; others can restrict your access to food, have you sent to a facility long term, have children 'helpers' angry at you for being selfish, guilt adult 'enablers' to stop helping you regardless of how much you beg or plead.
2 years


Since I was a child I knew my purpose was to grow immobile. I padded my clothes whenever I could, and would often pretend to be so fat I could not move. As an adult I am growing closer to my dream of immobility. 400 pounds currently and hoping to one day be so large that I never move again
2 years


Since I was a child I knew my purpose was to grow immobile. I padded my clothes whenever I could, and would often pretend to be so fat I could not move. As an adult I am growing closer to my dream of immobility. 400 pounds currently and hoping to one day be so large that I never move again

Fate ❤️
2 years


I padded up when I was a kid, I wanted to know what it would feel like, not to be able to move, I ate as much as possible. I wanted to be the fat kid in charlie and the chocolate factory, that ate all the time. Now I eat as much as possible
2 years
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