
Maltodextrin for fat gaining

Where can I purchase this?
2 years

Maltodextrin for fat gaining

Where can I purchase this?

Everywhere like amazon
2 years

Maltodextrin for fat gaining

1 pint heavy whipping cream
1 pint of your favorite Ben and Jerry’s (melted for easy blending)
1-2 scoops of Malto.

Mix it just enough to blend ingredients (if you overdo it , it turns far too thick between the cream and the malto.)

Enjoy the deliciousness.

* best if split in half , one serving in morn one at evening , otherwise you’ll be far too full to have any actual food. Use this is a supplement on top of your regular diet, not as a replacement.

What do you mean by "if you overdo it?" Blending it too much, or not enough?

I find this recipe interesting, since this involves combining maltodextrin with other ingredients that are very high in dairy fat. But when I tried that with half & half as being another major ingredient (and a couple other things for flavor), it was clumpy as hell and undrinkable.

Overdo it meaning over blending. I blend it just enough (using only 1 scoop of malto) for my personal consumption with the HC and Ice cream. Just enough blending to mix them all together as if you mix for say a minute or more it begins to turn the HC into whipped cream and mixes the malto in as well and becomes a paste like substance which just proves to be undrinkable.

This seems to have worked for me I did it consistently for a couple weeks then stopped trying to gain for a few and woke up having my pants no longer button and feeling softer all over.
2 years

Maltodextrin for fat gaining

I'm also interested in adding it to some foods.
Is it true it doesn't have any taste at all? Then you could add it to savory dishes as well.
1 year

Maltodextrin for fat gaining

I want to try it with heavy cream and peanut butter.
1 year
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