Fat experiences


Japan has a lot of earthquakes. Not just disastrous ones, but spontaneous little shakes that make you feel dizzy.

Very recently, I've been woken up in the middle of the night by tremors. Significant enough to shake the mattress back and forth. At first I thought these were local earthquakes until I realized...it's HER! She's become so fat and soft that everytime she shifts a little in her sleep, BOTH of our mattresses ripple with the aftershock of all her blubber.

I say "both" because she's so big we can't comfortably fit on one.
1 year


Ha, I’m lucky such quakes are relatively rare in the southern U.S. Wife and I put more than 500 pounds on the bed each night between the two of us. A quake would have us a-rumblin’ :-)
1 year


Daaamn that is always so awesome when that happens! I love it when a woman is so big she can make the bed quake or cause a minor earthquake when she walks!
1 year


That is supper great!

I also find floorquaking to be supper sexy.
1 year