Fat experiences

The difference between weight.

Not from experiance but as a feeder and admirier, I see the difference of a super sized person and a big person. While a bigger person can still see their toes, still walk straight, possibly run, and buy store bought clothes that fit them comfortable. For super sized they can't see their toes, have to waddle, can't run at all, and buy custom clothing that fits comfortably.

For an example, 'I was out and I seen these two people. One was a bigger person while, I'm guessing their friend is a super sized. The bigger person was fully clothed and walking straight with an even breath; their friend though. They had clothing on that was tight on them a size down, in the front even if they had their belly apron in their pants I could still see an outline of their belly button and the top of their belly from the shirt being too small. From the back even their pants couldn't hold all of their ass, I could see the top of their ass cheeks from above their pants while their top was stuck in one of their back folds. They waddled slowly with heavy breathing.

I ask that you comment on either your own experiance or observation.
1 year

The difference between weight.

I've kinda only experienced floating between chubby to fat (between 168lb to 240lb ), never quite full on obese. So while chubby you can kinda look normal if maybe a bit "cuddily", fat is undeniable. Like, the rolls begin to creep in, the belly is now starting to sag a little and the face is rounding out and growing in a double chin. My fitness when chubby tends to be "I can kinda go to the shops just fine!", while when I am full on fat I'm starting to get a bit unfit and lazy where I'd kinda just rather not do anything. When fat, I can get out of breath walking if for a long time and running is just ain't happening. Also, flexibility is starting to become noticeably lower, as just my belly just keeps getting in the way.

Overall, as a gainer, being fat is just waaaay more fun, haha. I wish I ever got full on obese.
1 year

The difference between weight.

That's us.

I'm kinda "big", but mostly in a "duck down to get into the train" way.

SHE'S "big" in the "needs help getting out of bed" way. More than a foot shorter, and more than 100 pounds heavier. She doesn't ask me for help, because we both already know when it's time for me to lift her around. All she has to do is raise her chubby hand up.
1 year