Fat experiences

Things you notice as you get fatter

- thighs rubbing together while walking/running
- belly starting to jiggle when running
- dress shirts not fitting because my upper arms are too big
- pants cutting in my belly making it split into a lower and upper belly
- double chin being present in every photo
1 year

Things you notice as you get fatter

Since I gained weight, I noticed that itโ€™s became harder to climb the stairs; my appetite grow, I eating much more, my clothes getting tight and smaller, all my pants are very tight on the hips area, and now I am getting a much noticeable double chin and I can feel it while looking down, also now I have to squeeze into my chair at the work, and not just seating on it like before.

For me, climbing the stairs becomes harder, out of breath. I take the elevator. Walking turned into a waddle, my chins are much more noticeable.

Chins jiggle too? ๐Ÿ˜‰
1 year

Things you notice as you get fatter

- my arms swing a lot with few movements
- Most pants mark my fupa
- My breasts have gotten softer and when I'm in the car they bounce like jelly
-My belly covers my legs and prevents me from tying my shoelaces without running out of breath
1 year
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