Fat experiences

Enjoying fat shaming

As she keeps getting bigger, SHE's getting so comfortable with her size I think she enjoys when strangers remind her of how fat she is.

The most recent incident-
Her doctor's visit. She's so healthy despite being clinically super-obese. So he couldn't give her the "obesity causes XXX" riot act. He just said "How did you get so FAT?!" Probably imagining this might shock her into changing her lifestyle. Fat chance lol.

I know this because she spent the rest of the day on the phone with her girl friends and aunties talking about it, laughing like she was basically bragging about getting fat shamed. In her worlds, "That was rude...but also not wrong, heehee..."

It's not the first time she's seemed to enjoy strangers reminding her of her own weight.
1 year

Enjoying fat shaming

I'm glad her confidence is building to where she is not angry but enjoys the attention and taking up more space.

Some cases can take years, if they ever get to that point. Though it is rewarding to feel jolly vs mostly being defensive or having quips on hand from time to time.
1 year

Enjoying fat shaming

It's getting more extreme for me.

I left some comments on random forums about how fat she was, and got some real cruel and angry replies. Like how people as fat as my wife are disgusting and make them want to puke, or how I'm an abusive person for making her so obese.


Her body is a work of art. We've been sculpting it together with love, respect and trust. But any good art evokes all kinds of reactions. Some people will be inspired. Some people will be shocked or even disgusted.

We've both succeeded in turning her into a living work of art that has the power to shock people just reading about her. I can't believe how lucky I am to be privy to such a thing!
1 year

Enjoying fat shaming

It's getting more extreme for me.

I left some comments on random forums about how fat she was, and got some real cruel and angry replies. Like how people as fat as my wife are disgusting and make them want to puke, or how I'm an abusive person for making her so obese.


Her body is a work of art. We've been sculpting it together with love, respect and trust. But any good art evokes all kinds of reactions. Some people will be inspired. Some people will be shocked or even disgusted.

We've both succeeded in turning her into a living work of art that has the power to shock people just reading about her. I can't believe how lucky I am to be privy to such a thing!

Just glad it appears to have made your bond stronger, which is a positive and beautiful thing.
1 year