Fat experiences

Info update

Today I renewed my license and we were confirming all my info address etc etc but then she was like “is this accurate?” Pointing at my weight, she said “it’s 100 pounds it was flagged in our system as error” and I said yup it’s real and she processed to apologize profusely… I felt bad for her so I said you’re okay just doing your job no harm done it’s real.

Anyone else have anything similar happen?
1 year

Info update

I had the same thing happen some years back. I was getting my license renewed with a new pic and the girl taking the photo commented that I had put some weight on. It was kind of a turn on to be honest. I had purposely put on about 70 pounds at that time.
1 year

Info update

My interaction today didn’t turn me on, not to invalidate your experience, to me it was funny and I was shocked how pleasant she was about it rather than fatphobic cause that could have been pretty nasty
1 year